Quickly I ran to the opening to see a part of the city in clear chaos.

Quickly I ran to the opening to see a part of the city in clear chaos

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"No way"

By the time I realized what happened the train attendant was trying to calm everyone down

"Everyone please! Remain calm return to your seats the villain is no longer here more heroes are on the way I'm sure"

"Everyone please! Remain calm return to your seats the villain is no longer here more heroes are on the way I'm sure"

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I looked over to the attendant "hey you! keep them calm I'm going"

I made a dash for the tracks and with one for all jumped off into the roof of a building.

I made a dash for the tracks and with one for all jumped off into the roof of a building

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"Gran Torino please be okay"
I dropped down to regular city level.

They're probably at the center of this craziness.

"I Don't get it why did that guy look like Nomu"

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"I Don't get it why did that guy look like Nomu"

"If it's as strong as the one all might fought this will not only be bad for gran torino but the entire city"

"That includes iida he's interning here"

I heard a shout from what seemed like an adult.
"Where are you Tenya!?

I ran towards the noise only to walk in on two Nomus causing chaos.

I ran towards the noise only to walk in on two Nomus causing chaos

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"Here manual deal with the fire!"

"Why the hell did you run off by yourself Tenya were are you?"

He went off alone that doesn't sound like something he would do.

A female pro spoke without taking her eyes off the Nomu "You're in the way kid get out of here"

"Right, I'm so sorry"

"We can hold them off evacuate with the others!"


Hosu city



Hosu.....were the hero killer attacks

Don't tell me

I had no time to waste I quickly ran.

Entering one for all I jumped from alley to alley if I'm right then then that  means they must be away from all the commotion.

I turned a corner to see iida laying on the ground.

"Found you!"


Sorry John wasn't included this chapter but on an unrelated note thanks for 5k.

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