I stood up and shook my head.
" im not taking shit from either one of you!" I said crossing my arms.
Josh smirked and handed the syringe to the Heather lady.
" come on doll, stay still or ill make you." He snickered while grabbing ahold of my arms. I took a deep breathe and used all my strength to kick him right in the stomach. He coughed and feel to the floor with a groan of pain.  I smiled at my accomplishment. I guess I cant kick that strong though he was right back up on his feet.
" bad idea, you'll pay for this later." He pointed his finger at me before he launched forward and slapped me across the face. I fell to the floor like a doll. I couldn't move a single muscle. I coukd only move my eyes.
" thanks dear, you can go." Heather smiled and Josh left after sming at me. It wasn't a nice smile, it was sinister and full of what looked like hatred.
" see if you were good. We wouldn't of had to paralyze you. Your foods going to go bad if it last long enough." She sighed and crouched down infront of me grabbing my arm. She flicked where my elbow and arm meets. She pushed the needle into my vein and smiled. Once the liquid was gone she stood up and waved at me.
" ill see in a couple hours."
She knocked on the door and it opened letting her leave. I just kayed there on my side. I could feel the spot the needle penatrated my skin. The bad thing about his quirk is you can still feel everything they do to you.
  I let out a deep breathe. The only thing I can do for the next hour is lay here, I mize well sleep.


I groan and lean up rubbing my eyes. I fluttered my eyes open and look around the room. I sigh realizing im still here. Why could all of this just been a dream.  I look over to the sandwich that was still in the corner. I reach over for the plate and eat the sandwich. It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad. Im still wondering what they had in the syringe. I mean I don't feel any different. If anything I physically feel great. I kind of feel like they gave me an energy boost. I get done with the sandwich and set the plate down. 

  I groan as I stand up and stretch. I really haven't moved sense I got here. I walk towards the door but run into somthing falling down on my butt. I groan at the impact and look up.
What the fuck there isn't anything there.
I press my hand forward but its stopped. I hit the barrier a couple times but it dosnt even budge.
That Heather chick must have a shield quirk or somthing. I groan and follow the shield with my hand seeing how far I could go. It seemed I have half the room to roam. I sit back down leaning my head agaisnt the wall.
Why am I not freaking out?
Shouldn't I be crying and freaking out? I let out a sigh and rub my face.
I'm used to this, im reliving my childhood.  If I listen I won't get hurt. But what if I want to feel somthing again? Is that so wrong of me? Is is wrong of me to want to feel the pain again. I've been so numb for so long now.
I coughed furrowed my brows while softly hitting my chest. It felt like I had somthing stuck. It soon went away and I sighed.
I became sweaty  and started to heat up. I look down at my hands seeing my fingertips had turns grey. What the hell? I tried to rub the color off my fingers but it wouldn't budge. So the thought that its dirt is invalid.
I take my hoodie off and fan myself.
Is is what they gave me? They did say im going to be used for quirk testing. What if this is it. I started coughing again but this time it felt much worse. I started hitting the wall to make as much noise as I could. I would die for some water right now.
" h..help!" I tried to scream but I just coughed over it.
The door came  open and I saw Heather. She seemed to be worried about me.
" what do you need?" She asked while her eyes wandered across my body.
" water." I stated sitting up.
" ill be back with that dear." She smiled and shut the door.
I felt so hot and conjested, almost like I was sitting infront of a fire and the smoke was going in my face.

  The door came back open and Heather walked in with a glass of water.
" ill leave this here dear. Have fun." She smirked setting the glass down on the dirty floor and left the room. I scurried to the glass of water and chugged the whole glass. It diddnt seem to do anything. I layed down and sprawled out on the floor.  I started coughing again while I looked around the room. When I looked over to the corner I could see a camera. Are they really watching me? Those sick fucks. So this is all part of their plan. I can barely breathe and feel like I'm on fire.

Heather's pov

" it seems to be taking effect." I sY softly as I look on the monitor.

" if we plan to sell this stuff shouldn't we make it were its more comfortable?" Josh asked peering over my shoulder. I hum softly crossing my legs at the knee.
" we have plenty of time. This is just to see if it works." I stated.

   " what if it kills her?" Sean asked while skimming through a book.
" yeah then who we do these experiments on?" Josh added.
I rolled my eyes and pointed to Sean.
" he has a healing quirk, so its all fine. Plus we could always find a random on the side if the street. But she is perfect for this." I giggled the two men nodding along. " we just have to find a way to get it out if her system." I stated and tapped my chin. That is the only problem, we cut test all the quirks if she still has the other ones.

  " couldn't we just blees her out?" Josh smirked looking over at me. I raised a brow and turned my attention to him.
" you acutely thought of  a good idea for once. That would get it out of her system. Then Sean can heal her."

" now we wait." Sean said setting his book down and looked at the screen intensely.  This is going to be fun, whTs more fun then watching people you hate suffer.

Y/n pov

It was getting so much worse now.
I'm sweating bullets and I can barely breathe.  I guess everything hit me all at once. I could really die here. I got out of here once and now I'm back. The tears started streaming down my face only making it harder to breathe. The door came open and I was filled with disgust. It was him, Sean, there person im supposed to call dad. Everyone was in the room now just staring at me.

    " w..what did you do to me?" I choked on my words.
Sean chuckled closing the door before he leaned against the wall.

  " what i tried to do when you were younger. But now look, its really working this time huh?" He popped a toothpick in his mouth just watching me as I struggled. It was getting harder to breathe by the second and I was burning up.

  " oh would you look at that?" Heather pointed to me and smirked.
I looked down at myself and cringed at the sight. A very dark black smoke was coming off of me. It wasn't alot of smoke but it looked I was on fire, but with smoke.  I've have had enough of this, I don't want to feel it anymore.

  " please make it stop!" I screamed and smoke engulfed tlmy shielded area.

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