Chapter 24: Sombra

Start from the beginning

The ground split open as Sombra rapidly grew a wall of crystal to shield him and Luna.

"It's the Dusks," she said promptly. "They used these bombs during the massacre."

"Who specifically?" He dug deeper as they tread out from behind the wall. He lightly pushed her behind him.

"Specter or Ebony," Luna guessed.

My reaction time just needs to be faster than both of them. Crystals in each hand, ready to be shaped into whatever he needed-

Sure enough, it was Specter Dusk. He seemingly leaped out of nowhere, brandishing a katana and pinning it to Luna's throat. "Move and I'll kill her."

Sombra froze when he saw the thin trail of blood running down Luna's neck. None of his abilities would come in useful. Specter had the advantage of close proximity; his sword would slit Luna's throat before any of Sombra's abilities would touch him.

The vampire prince smirked with amusement. "Who knew it was that easy," he chuckled. "All it takes is one girl to bring you to your knees."

We can help you. The shadows whispered in hushed flurries.

He could very well use dark magic, but the last time he'd done that, he'd hurt Luna. And, he'd be bedridden for days. Anyone could use that as an opportunity to kill him.

Specter drew more blood.

That bastard. How dare he.

An idea came to Sombra's mind. It was risky, but he was running out of time.

Luna's black crystal necklace-the one that stopped her from using magic-fell to the ground. It echoed on the marble floor.

In the short time that Specter's eyes flitted to the necklace, Luna shot a stun spell at him. A thin beam of blue hit the katana next, and it flew into her hand.

She pointed it at the now incapacitated Specter, crumpled awkardly on the ground. Luna turned her head back to look at Sombra.

"We shouldn't kill him. He has information we can use," he decided.

"Isn't this too easy?" Luna asked. "The Dusks aren't stupid."

"It's probably a decoy," Sombra agreed. They waited, back to back. Luna's finger glowing blue, her eyes sharp with focus. He thought she was the most beautiful when she was thinking.

His hands hovered over his chest as he grew a black crystal breastplate. He created a full set of armor for himself. He would make Luna a set too, but it would hinder her magic ability.

A throwing star sliced through the air, nothing but a silver blur. Luna gasped and it froze in the air, suspended by her telekinesis. The throwing star seemed to push back with its own force.

"Nereza! Time manipulation!" Luna barely managed to call out.

Another throwing star flew. Then another. And another.

One. Two. Three. Sombra grew another wall of black crystal from the ground, sighing in relief as all the throwing stars lodged in it.

Out of the corner of his eye, Specter's katana came at him at full speed, before it was stopped by Luna.

Then a peculiar thing happened. The sword jolted forward, the tip close to grazing Sombra's neck.

His body screamed at him to move, to get out of the way, but he was frozen. No matter how much he tried, he couldn't.

Specter Dusk's eyes glowed red with his ability. Mind control, one of the most prized abilities in the Duskan Empire.

The sword jerked back and forth, Luna's telekinesis and Nereza's time manipulation locked in a mental battle. Everything was tense, from his muscles to his breathing to the room's atmosphere.

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