Chapter 20

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Jayda POV

"Yes yes work it sis" the photographer said

Remember I told y'all I  get to be a magazine cover for prime , well today is the day and I am EXCITED!

"Ouuu you look gooodddd" Makayla smiled walking in with all my other friends

"Awwww you guysss" I smiled and hugged them

I swear my friends support everything I do , these really family

"Girl I hope this really helping you get a bag twice then what you make " Lailani said

"Fasho sis" I chuckled

"Dess couldn't make it , she got an appointment" Santana said

Dess be there for EVERYTHING  for me so it's all good

"We have a few more shoots Ms.Cheaves " the photographer said

I hate when they call me that

"Ok y'all thanks for coming but here someone record me for my bts for YouTube " I said handing the camera
Dessi POV

"Yup you are 5 weeks pregnant Ms.East" The nurse said

" Ok now this you are going to hear is the heartbeat" she said

"Bae you hear that" East said recording happily

"Oh my Gosh that's the heartt" I cried

"Yup but I will be back to give you some papers " she said and left

"Uhh I got to go tomorrow" East scratched his head

" Aight" I responded
Dave POV

" You want me to cook?" I asked Dess as we got in the house

I told her I got to go and she acting so careless

Shit she might be done with a nigga after this

"No Imma cook, what you wanna eat?" She asked

"Make shrimp etoufe " I said

"Okayyy" she said getting the stuff out

This prolly the biggest  she talked with me all day


"Wassup Lee I ain't see you in a lil minute" Tyler said  (Makayla nephew)

"Wassup Tyler how's Bri" I said referring to his crush

"Man she be doing a nigga wrong and shit-TYLER" Makayla yelled cutting him off

"My bad bruh " Tyler said

This man swear he one of the adults

"Lee why you be letting him curse" she shaked her head

" I was finna stop him till you came" I said

"Aunty " Ramona and Skai said at the same time

"Yes my babies " Makayla said

"Roro you tell her " Skai said

"Tell her what" I said

"Umm me and Skai was wondering if you can take us to the mall" Romona said

"Y'all got mall money?" Makayla asked laughing 

"Ummmm nooo" they both answered awkwardly

"Man don't listen to her, I'll take y'all go get ready" I said

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