It would disappear just like the red

I didn't get how I was wrong

How could another color come


yellow as the sun in the sky

yellow as the daffodil that brightened my day

We all know that yellow is the most hurtful

It's the worst for our eyes

The opposite of yellow and light

Is black and darkness

That's where I was headed again for sure

But yet again, I was surprised


green as the person's shirt that waved to me

green as the grass that swayed in the wind

And underneath grass is dirt

Which is what I am


And filthy

But then I looked up

And was pleasantly met


blue as the sky without a single white cloud

blue as the house next door

But then the rain came

Covering the world in darkness

Why had I even had hope

When I knew it was going to be destroyed

Even the bruise on my heart wasn't blue

It was just black

Until one day

When the third of the trio came in


purple as my bruise that was being healed

purple as the hope I wanted to have again

And yet I still knew that hope would never return

Why couldn't I just decide

It was because I had seen so many colors

But I had seen way more black, white, and shades of grey

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