"Well. At least Cinder was there to handle that pro huntress" Neo looked at me. An accusatory hand on her hip. I continued with a nervous laugh "I didn't say I was happy that we're being forced under death threat to work for her. I'm pissed that we don't get to keep any of the crap we steal. But at least she's not useless or afraid to get her hands dirty" Neo nodded. Then took one of her fingers and dragged it across my throat. "Yeah. Lets stay on her good side or we'll be on the receiving end of the hand dirting........Is that even a word? Dirting?" Neo shook her head and then broke into a slow, gentle skip as we took a turn down an alleyway. "Scouting every single dust store in downtown Vale is not exactly the exciting way I was looking to spend my day. Pleasant company excluded obviously" I said with a playful side wink at Neo, who was happily bouncing as she skipped beside me, hands locked behind her back as she went. "Seriously though I-" Neo cut me off. lifting her hand, miming talking with her hand. Right in my face. "I get the point Neo. Just saying I could have had plans" She tilted her head. "Alright I didn't but you know what I mean" The response I got was a face palm.

Mystery POV-

I leaned over the table. Flexing my fingers in the black gloves. Straightening the white tunic, brushing dust from the shoulders. Running my fingertip along the sharpened blade resting next to me. Scanning my eyes across the map of Vacuo. So much desert expanse. Wondering where he was. Almost wishing I was there with him. Sienna had given him full control of the Vale branch. I was honoured to follow in his footsteps in Vacuo. But It didn't make me miss him any less. I heard the curtains part behind me and one of my troops entered, dropping to a knee. "Commander Taurus. New arrivals" I nodded. She turned and left. I sighed, a slight smile curling at my lip. 

New arrivals. Ready for the fight. Ready for the cause. It made the smile grow. This is what we needed. Our reach was extending.......Yes, he would be proud of me. I took up my white mask, engraved with roses of red. It covered the lower half of my face, the second half to his. My second half. I pulled up my hood and slotted my blades into their sheaths. "I'll make you proud. I swear" I exited the tent. My guard knelt before me. The group of new Faunus, huddled together. Somewhere around two hundred. One of my guard stood and held a presenting hand in my direction. "Commander Taurus" I surveyed the new troops.

"Welcome. Brother and sister Faunus. You have made a heavy choice today. You have chosen to bear the burden of your people. To make sacrifices for the good of the Faunus, for the FREEDOM. Of the Faunus. If you prove yourself to fight for this cause with every fibre of your being, to risk your life. Then you will become heroes of our people. If you fight for the freedom of your brothers and sisters. Then you have earned yours. And I will fight for it. Sienna Khan will fight for it. ADAM TAURUS.....will fight for it. We will fight be your side. We will fight for all Faunus kind" 

I took a deep breath. The crowd looked stunned. Awe struck. Terrified even. I had his gift, his way with people. I could make them listen. "Long live the white fang" Cheers began to ring out as my own troops stood and started shepherding the new arrivals deeper into the camp. I took a moment to look out across the horizon. The general direction of Vale. "I hope I'll see you soon brother"


The insolence of humans never ceased to surpass my expectations. Their arrogance knew no bounds. And here I was, forced to work alongside them when they should have been grovelling at my feet, begging for mercy. Our camp was set up just on the outskirts of Vale. Enough for the small groups we had there. I paced back and forth in my tent. The day that girl had come. Cinder. Practically enslaving me and my kin here in Vale and worse yet we were forced to work with common street filth. I would make them pay, when I got the chance, they would all feel my fury.....My justice. I will make humanity pay for what they have done. The only upside of this unwilling alliance was that I could see Beacon academy crumble as all of Vale was thrown into chaos. That's what I was promised.

Senseless Sensations: Neo x blind male readerWhere stories live. Discover now