06. jealousy hurts

Start from the beginning

But she couldn't. She couldn't, because she loved her brother and only wanted him to be happy: and if he was happy with the one girl that made her feel like a person again, then so be it. He was her brother, and he saved her life both figuratively and literally and had helped her through her darkest times. This was her brother, whom she grew up with, laughed with and cried with. She only wanted him to be happy. It had taken him months to finally smile and if Winifred was the one who made his face appear brighter, then so be it.

So Cora smiled a fake barrier and made small talk with the couple, pretending as if every intimate gesture they shared wasn't killing her inside.

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A FEW HOURS OF cheerful laughter, pangs of jealousy and sarcastic comments later, Gilbert chuckled as he put an arm around Winifred, who stiffly rejected the gesture. They had made their way in the living room, and were sipping on cold glasses of milk as they spoke about the Blythes' childhood.

A fiery redhead rushed inside the door and abruptly spoke, her red hair flying in the summer wind, "Cor, Gil? Do you guys have some-" Anne froze while looking at Gilbert and Winifred laughing at a joke, and Cora shot her and apologetic smile. Winifred noticed the exchange between the two girls and stiffened up. It was her turn to be the green monster.

"And who might you be?" Winifred asked sharply.

"That's Anne, my best friend." Cora said while smiling at the still frozen Anne.

"Pleasure to meet you. Excuse me and sorry for interrupting, I need some air." Anne said sharply back at Winifred and ran out of the door, tears threatening to fall out of her delicate blue eyes. Cora was quick to excuse herself and run after Anne.

"Anne! Wait up!" Cora shouted at the rapid girl, who was now sobbing. Anne dropped to her knees in front of a tree and started sobbing uncontrollably.

"Who is she to Gilbert, Cora?"

No answer.

"I asked you a question Cor-Who is she to Gil?" Anne said harshly between sobs.

"I'm sorry Anne, Gil is courting her. I just wish he could see how much he truly cares about you.. You're his soulmate Anne, not Winifred, not anyone else." Cora reassured her and pulled Anne into a cozy hug.

"I don't get it Cor, w-what did I do wrong?" Anne questioned through sobs.

"Nothing. As much as I love my brother, he is an idiot for not seeing how good the two of you are for each other. He doesn't deserve your tears Anne. Don't give him the satisfaction.." Cora said softly while playing with Anne's flame-coloured hair.

"You're right. And Cor, something seems to be bothering you, what is it? You looked distraught the moment I walked in on everyone.." Anne said, her words muffling in Cora's embrace.

"Anne you're the one who's sobbing in my arms, don't you dare worry about me, I'm fine." Cora said while chuckling a humourless laugh.

"No you're not. Tell me what's wrong." Anne said quietly, as the wind whistled around them.


"I-I'm like Josephine Barry." Cora finally said as she started sobbing. "And I think I might fancy Winifred, and that's so wrong on all accounts. She's courting my brother-My Brother!" Cora ended up being the one to cry in Anne's arms this time.

"Oh Cor, thank you for sharing that with me. I completely support you and this doesn't change anything between us at all. And honestly, just try and get over her Cor.. It's for the best." Anne reasoned out.

"As always Anne, you're correct. Thank you for supporting me. I love you." Cora said while sniffling.

"You're my best friend Cor, I'll always support you.." Anne said while smiling at her reassuringly.

Little did the pair know, that Winifred had excused herself earlier and followed them outside.

She had heard the entire conversation.

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( 1361 words )

author's note:
thank u for reading :D  i honestly adore anne and cora's friendship sm >_< anyways have a great day and vote and comment if u enjoyed it ily

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