Chapter 3: The Breakfast Waffles

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When I got to the dinning room my mother said, "Finally, you are here. Eat quickly! We really can't have you be late again."

I was still in the archway of the dinning room not even in the room yet and she was rushing me to eat quickly. This morning is really not turning out to be a good one.

In the dinning room there were more photos of the land on the walls. The photos were framed and they were the only photos in this room. The table was in the center of the room with waffles on it. There was three plates on the table. The first two plates were empty. My father and sister both must have eaten breakfast and left the house already. The other plate on the table had one waffle with syrup on it and it was already all cut up for me. I quickly walked over to the table, sat down in the chair in front of my plate, picked up my fork and started to eat my waffle.

As I was eating, my mother started to mumble under her breath. I guess her and my father got into another fight this morning. They seem to fight almost every morning now. That is why I have been waking up later, to avoid their fighting. When ever they fight it always tends to put my mother in a bad mood and she tends to mumble under her breath about it later. After they fight, is the only time I can tell what my mother is feeling.

"Hurry up. Are you done eating yet?" My mother said sounding very irritated. With a smile and trying not to get put in a bad mood by her I said, "Yes, I am done."  "Good, now go to school and hurry. Don't be late." She said anxiously as she handed me my bag.

I stood up and pushed my chair in. Then I took my bag from her. My bag was a light purple back pack. I put my bag on my shoulder and walked to the door. I placed my bag on the floor as I grabbed my coat and put it on. Then I put my bag on my back and said, "Good bye Mother." After that I opened the door and steeped outside.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 25, 2020 ⏰

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