Chapter 4

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I'm sorry for not updating in few days. Ill try harder bear with me pleaseee.

Riley's P.O.V

Once Kayden and I were out of the cafeteria, she led me to the library. No one else is present, but she still leads me to the farthest corner away from the door. We sit down and me being me, I'm just too shocked from the prior event to really say anything. She takes both of my hands in hers and begins talking.

" Look, I'm going to tell you some things that you may or may not believe. Just promise me that you won't say or do anything until I've finished."

I nod my head in blunt approval, and she begins again. " I am a creature of myth, a werewolf- an Alpha too. The legends that you were told as a child were all true. Werewolves do exist, and I am one of them. There are thousands of us out there, you just can't tell because we look like normal humans, but we are beyond that of a normal human."

" Our bodies have two minds in them. One is our wolf, and the other is our regular selves. Our wolves can never completely take over our minds, it is against a part of our nature. I'm done for right now." She looks at me with desperate and searching eyes, trying to see what I am feeling.

An odd feeling of knowing came over me. Like I knew all along something wasn't right, and I did.... when I heard Tina's voice. " Why can I hear another voice in my head? She answers me, and even gave herself a name. And she also keeps talking about a 'mate', " I ask.

" You are not human. I know full well because Werewolves can't have a human mate. And you are mine, so I know you aren't human. And before you ask again, a mate is a person who is made for you. They are your other half- your everything. They complete you and you complete them. You get tingles just from touching them, and you know who your mate is once you look them in the eye. No one else that you meet will ever be as attractive or as alluring as them." She says while staring at me intensely. Well, that reaffirms what I read about mates when reading werewolf "fiction".

I take a few minutes to breathe and digest the overbearing information that has taken me. " So you and I are werewolves, and mates. How come I didn't know? Wouldn't my parents tell me because surely they are wolves too?" She looks at me with sadness deep in her golden brown eyes, and kisses my hands before beginning to talk again.

" Those aren't your real parents. Their genes aren't rubbing off on you. I would know because I would smell their scents." She says. I look at her with sorrow know knowing that the people I've lived with for just about 18 years are not even my real parents.

As I stare at her, a word that she said earlier drifted into my thoughts. " What is an Alpha?" I ask. She looks at me and pride immediately shows in her eyes.

" An Alpha is the leader of a pack. They take care of the pack and makes sure they are safe. They are deeply respected and as an added bonus, have a bit extra strength, speed, and bit less control over their wolves." She states. I look back up at her and offer a small smile. She returns it.

"One more question." I state, " Why can't I shift into a werewolf?" She looks at me and begins to explain, when Tina jumps forward in my mind.

You are a bit different. A significant event, extreme emotional turmoil, or your own will would cause you to shift.

I come back to see Kayden looking at me full of worry. Just then, a kid bursts in and stares at us. His scowl turns into a malicious smirk as his green eyes turn bright red. With lightning speed, he has me ripped out of Kayden's grasp into a chokehold against the wall. A loud, vicious growl snaps my attention from this kid to Kayden, who's eyes have turned from their usual brown, to a bright, angry green. She growls again, this time slightly shaking the building, and completely shifts while lunging at the boy. The boy's hold on my throat is gone, as Kayden fiercely rips the boy's head off, diminishing him to dust.

I slide down the wall and immediately back into it as the huge black wolf walks over to me. I close my eyes, and wait for the pain of dying to come, only to be licked by a wet tongue. The wolf looks at me, and as though the thought has slapped me, I realize that it is Kayden. I reach my hand out and rub her soft fur, only to hear her whine and lick me again. Then she runs behind a bookcase, and comes back in only black shorts, a black sports bra, and some Nike sandals.

I stare at her exposed stomach and try to remember the perfectly manicured 6-pack and her v-line, when our earthquake bell rings, seeing as the school is still slightly shaking from Kayden's growl. I look at her again, and instantly, there is another low growl coming from me. It's Tina.

People are gonna stare, which I know they will. I will rip their slutty heads off!

Whoa there Tina. Calm down. While I mentally calm my ever so agitated wolf down, Kayden leads me outside. From where we stand, people are openly checking Kayden out, and it only angers Tina and I more. While they look, I start to once again lowly growl, which makes Kayden hold my hand to calm me down, which gives me tingles, which makes Tina whine and purr. Then an announcement comes on, and it tells us to go home. What a relief.

* * *

Kayden's P.O.V

After the announcement comes on telling us to leave, I grab Riley's hand and lead her to my car, an Audi 8 Spyder. I guide her to the passenger's seat, and then prepare to get in, when I hear footsteps approaching. A few girls that I do not know come up with smirks on their faces. I can hear Riley's growl, and before I know it, she's out of the car and standing next to me.

Danielle says" Why is that bitch here?" I come to a momentary shock, before anger pans its way into me for disrespect of my mate.

" This beautiful girl here is my girlfriend. Do not ever disrespect her again!" I say using my Alpha voice. They all look away and bow their heads. Even humans listen to me when I use it. I was about to say something else when small hands on my body make me look down into my beautiful mate's eyes.

"It's okay baby. She wants you and she's just jealous that she can't have you. Calm down." She directs at me, and I can instantly feel myself calm. Lucia is practically jumping around with joy for having her do such a thing, while tingles dance across my skin.

I nod my head at her and sigh. Then she turns around and speaks to Danielle in a manner I would've never deemed possible for her. " You are the 'bitch' here Danielle. You have made my last two years of schooling hell, and I will not stand for it anymore. I do not care for your jealousy and I absolutely don't care what you think or say. Bye."

Danielle scoffs at her, and then looks up at me. I am so proud of my mate. I bend down and kiss her cheek, causing Danielle to walk away angrily, not even waiting for her crew, who follow seconds later.

* * *

Riley's P.O.V

Kayden drives us to my house, and parks the car. I am so nervous about her meeting my parents-adoptive parents, much less me seeing them. I get out and unlock the door while grabbing for Kayden's hand. Before we came, we momentarily stopped to get her a shirt- a black one of course.

I call out to them when we get in the house, so find them in the living room. They look up and gasps when they see Kayden. I get it. I've never brought anyone home, much less any human beings in the past two years. They immediately stand and greet her.

On the ride here, Kayden told me that it is not safe here anymore, and that I should attend her school. WEREWOLF ACADEMY. It is a school where wolves 13-18 go to study and learn. Apparently, I need to be there taking, classes and not here.

She also told me that she's going to need to use her Alpha voice to persuade my parents into letting me go. Once we got in, she began, and it only took a few hours to get me transferred after Kayden talked to her uncle, the Alpha who runs the school. But after she sent my parents to bed so that they would forget her, but remember transferring me, I began to feel horrible.

I started to get extremely hot. Like, hot as if I'm on fire, hot. And there was an extreme pain in my head that even had Tina howling in pain inside my head. And Kayden noticed. Just as I was losing my balance, I felt strong arms grab me. And then I slipped into a painful darkness.

I'm gonna be a while before the next update. Thanks to those again who gave my book a chance. I promise it'll be more interesting and badass next update.

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