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Arizona's POV

I stroll down the halls of the hospital making my way to the peds wing with Alex. "Did I see Callie earlier?" he asks while handing me the iPad. "yes you did" I smile as I sign the digital paperwork. "What is she doing back?" he asks as we head into the elevator. "I have no idea other than the fact she flew in last night and slept on my couch." I finish as we walk to the peds wing. "Well, I need to head to the OR, ill catch you later" he smiles and walks away to the room. I head down the hall looking for April who would tell me what I should do in this situation. I head down to the Attendings lounge where April is sitting, lucky me. "Hey, did I see Callie?" she asks me as I take a seat next to her on the sofa. "Uh, yeah, that's what I'm here to talk about," I rest my head on her shoulder as I talk about what I know about her being here. "I really have no idea why she is here, she dropped Sofia off and I told her she could stay on the couch and she did, we are supposed to talk later," I finish as Callie enters the room with scrubs in her hand. "She said yes," she says softly putting her hand in the air. "I knew she would" I smile and get off the couch. "I'll call you later," I say while looking back at April. "Harriet is with Jackson so ill be up" she smiles and I head to the door. "Have a nice first day," I smile as I walk past Callie to the door. 

Callie's POV

I head out of the lounge and down the hall seeing people I haven't seen in a while. New York was great, but Seattle is home. I head downstairs to the lobby with Meredith as we make our way to the ER for a consult. "Have you talked to her?" she asks me taking me out of my thoughts. "I'm going to tonight," I smile as we walk into the ER. I head over to bed 6, where Alex is. "So, what do we got?" I ask holding the scans up to the light. "Broken arm, how'd this happen?" I ask the little boy sitting on the bed. "He tried to climb a fence with some friends." His mom says putting her hand on the boy's shoulder. "Okay, well, Dr. Karev and I will be taking him up to get fitted for a cast and will stay here overnight just in case." I smile and walk over to the desk. "Actually, Robbins is on this case, I have a surgery to get to." he smiles and walks away as Arizona comes to me putting her hand on my shoulder. "It's nice to be working with you again" she smiles as we look over his medical records. "So we will have to do this is surgery, the poor kid broke it in so many places," I say softly thinking about how this could be Sofia. "bring the kid in bed 6 up to OR 3," I tell the ER nurse and she rings it in. "So, uh, can we talk?" I ask as we talk to the OR. "Yeah, of course" she smiles at me with her intoxicating smile. "Andrew is fixing up Sofia's bed since he is off today so she will have a bed" she continues to smile. "That's great, she was really excited to see you," I say while looking down at the Ipad. We head into the scrub room and start to scrub in. "she cheated on me," I look over at her, "I'd assume you wanted to know, our relationship wasn't good and it was going to end sometime soon. Plus, Seattle is so much better than New York." I smile and walk into the OR.

"That kid will now have a great working arm, I'm proud of that surgery" I smile we walk out of the scrub room heading to the Attending's lounge where everyone is chatting, "Welcome back, Torres" Jackson smiles and hugs me. He's basically a mini Mark and it makes me happy. "We are heading to the bar, wanna come?" He asks but I'm wiped. "I gotta get home to Sofia, next time" I smile at him and back at Arizona. "Have a nice night" I smile and head out the door. I walk down the hall as I hear someone run up behind me putting their hand on my shoulder. "Hey" I smile as I turn and see Arizona's face appear. "You coming to my house?" she asks me knowing I have no other place to go. "If you don't mind," I watch a smile form across her face. "I was thinking about a movie night, with Sofia and the rest of them." she smiles, "It's a thing Andrew and I started to find a happy place while everything was going bad for us" we walk out the door talking. "I'd love too" I smile opening the car door. "I'll see you at your house?" she nods as I make my way to Meredith's house to pick up Sofia. 

Arizona's POV

Andrew and Carina help me set up the living room for our movie night. I head to the other room grabbing blankets pillows. Soon enough Sofia and Callie enter the house and Andrew hands her some popcorn. "Ready for movie night?" Andrew asks Sofia while they heat some more popcorn. "Hey," I smile as Callie walks over with some snacks in her hand. "I wasn't sure what I should bring" she laughs as she sits down on the sofa. "It's fine," I laugh taking the packaged snacks as everyone sits in the living room. I take my seat between Sofia and Carina on the sofa, sharing a blanket with Carina. "Andrew it's your turn to pick" I smile throwing the remote at him and him catching it. "How about... The Jungle Book?" he picks the movie and Sofia gets up and walks over to Andrew to sit next to him. "I think Sofia has a crush," Carina says softly in my ear making me laugh, "and out of all people, my stupid little brother" 


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