"Grams wouldn't want you to."

It was true and all of them knew it. It was also why she had waited this long to return. Sheila had gotten her to leave, despite how nervous she was about leaving all of her friends and her adoptive brother. The old witch had given her a grimoire and told her that she had learned all she could at Mystic Falls and that it was time she had her own adventures.

The young witch shook her head and felt a tear slide down her cheek at the thought of her mentor. I'm home now, I'll make her proud. She silently vowed, pushing the sad thoughts away as she focused on pulling in to the Grill. Taking a deep breath, she checked her reflection in the rear view mirror and propped her sunglasses up on her head. Caroline will disown me if I walk into the Grill with smeared make up. She thought, a soft smile appearing on her full pink lips. Without giving herself another moment to disappear into her thoughts, Maddie opened the door and got out of her car, ready to see her brother.


Sliding into a seat, Maddie snatched up a menu to hide her face as she saw Matt start towards her table. She risked a single glance at him and saw that he looked irritated to say the least. Well, here's hopping I brighten his day.

"What can I get for you?" Matt sounded, as the blonde had predicted, peeved. He flipped open a notepad and didn't bother looking up at his customer, pen posed to start writing.

"And here I was expecting a warm welcome." Maddie muttered, feigning disappointment as she set down the menu. Despite her best efforts, a mischievous little smirk grew on her lips, ruining her weak attempt at acting.

Matt's head snapped up at the familiar voice, all traces of his previous irritation gone. "Maddie!" He exclaimed, shocked.

The blonde giggled and held her arms out expectantly for a hug. "Surprise!" she shouted, standing up as Matt set down his pad and pen to wrap his arms around her. The star quarterback had no trouble in lifting her off her feet and spinning his adoptive little sister around. His grin growing at her cheerful laughter as she pulled herself closer despite the fact that both knew Matt would never dream of dropping her.

"Maddie! Why didn't you tell me you were coming home?" He blurted out after they finished goofing around. He placing her back on the floor, but still kept his arms around her, enjoying the first hug he had gotten from her in eleven months.

The girl kept a firm hold on her brother, hugging him for with a platonic love that all siblings had. "Well it wouldn't be much of a surprise if you knew." She joked, pulling back after a moment to find him grinning just as widely as she was.

"Who knows your here squirt?" He asked, unable to withhold a chuckle as she wrinkled her nose at the childhood nickname.

"Just you, Matty." She said honestly, pulling him into another hug, "I decided I'd had enough of Europe and made plans to switch my flight from next month to yesterday." She explained, mostly telling the truth. "Just in time for Elena's birthday."

Matt nodded and went back to grinning, "We've got to call everyone, let them know your back!"

She shook her head and smirked her signature smirk, "No! I hear there's a party tonight, Matt, and I'm the perfect present for Elena." She claimed jokingly, but Matt chuckled and got the point.

"Fine, I won't tell anyone. It's just great to have you back."

"Aww, I missed you too Matty."


Later that night...

Music pounded through the old Salvator boarding house as the party raged. Maddie had never been in here before, and was more than excited to be seeing it now. Everything looked amazing, the furniture, the beautiful old woodwork, and even the mildly creepy paintings looked timeless in her eyes... Then again she had just helped empty a few bottles of bourbon so she would need to look again later when she had a clearer head to be sure.

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