Our Special Christmas (Yugioh Protagonists x Reader)

Start from the beginning

"Do you like it?" "Like it? I love it, it's so beautiful!" "Glad to hear it!" Answers Yuya as she smiled at them. "Y/n, we need your help in kitchen" Responds Yugi as she happily walks to the kitchen to help them out.

~Minutes later~

"I'll go and place some presents underneath the tree. Be right back!" Responds Y/n as she heads upstairs to get the presents. With the boys, Yuya noticed something hanging on the doorway and asked, "Uh, guys? When did we hang a mistletoe?" This left the others confused until they looked up and saw there really was a mistletoe hanging.

 With the boys, Yuya noticed something hanging on the doorway and asked, "Uh, guys? When did we hang a mistletoe?" This left the others confused until they looked up and saw there really was a mistletoe hanging

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"If the mistletoe was there, then that means Y/n... was standing underneath it without realizing it!" This left the boys the quiet but at the same time, they wondered... who put the mistletoe there?

"I'm back!" Responds Y/n with her hands full of presents until she noticed how the boys were quiet but not only that... their faces were red which left her confused as she tilted her head for a bit.

"What's wrong?" Before any of them had the chance to tell her about the mistletoe, they see Yuya already underneath the mistletoe with Y/n

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"What's wrong?" Before any of them had the chance to tell her about the mistletoe, they see Yuya already underneath the mistletoe with Y/n. "Hey, Yuya! You can't do that!" "Yes, I can! Look!" Y/n looks up and sees the mistletoe which made her blush for a bit before walking away to put the presents underneath the Christmas tree, not paying attention to the boys' jealousness in who gets to kiss Y/n in the the mistletoe.

After the commotion dyed down, they continued to finish up until it was finally complete. They got a good look at the place as they were proud of their hard work. For Y/n, she loved it as well... she was so distracted that she didn't realize she was handed a bag until she felt the bag softly being pushed to her. "Here, we bought you a dress and we would like you to try it on" "Oh okay, thanks!" Y/n goes to her room to change her clothes.

~Few minutes later~

Y/n slowly walks down the stairs. The boys were waiting until they heard her footsteps as they looked up and were stunned when they saw her in the dress... she looked so beautiful and it fits her perfectly.

 she looked so beautiful and it fits her perfectly

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"Wow, Y/n..." "You look so beautiful!" Y/n couldn't help but blush at their words as they compliment her. Everyone went to the fireplace as they sat together, drinking some hot chocolate, playing Christmas games, the room was filled with laughters and smiles. Until the time came to open up their presents, Y/n gave each of them their presents as they began to opened them up.

Yugi received a Dark Magician plushie, Yami received a Dark Magician Girl plushie, Jaden received a small box of chocolates, Yusei received a gear, Yuma received a pair of new clothes, Yuya received a new jacket to replace his old one and Yusaku received a pair of new gloves but not only that, each and every one of them received some new duel cards from their presents.

After opening their presents, they gave Y/n her presents as well. She opens one of them and sees that the boys gave her a white fox plush.

 She opens one of them and sees that the boys gave her a white fox plush

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Not only that, they gave her a beautiful heart shaped necklace.

Y/n was lost on words as she looked at the necklace they gave her

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Y/n was lost on words as she looked at the necklace they gave her. "Need help?" "Yes, Yugi" Y/n replies. Yugi carefully places the necklace while Y/n moved her hair out of the way until Yugi was finished placing the necklace.

"Thank you, all of you. You guys are the greatest!" "We would've said the same thing to you too" Y/n smiled until she remembered of the mistletoe. "About the mistletoe..." The boys remain silent as they didn't want to start another commotion on who gets to Y/n but instead of them kissing Y/n, she's the one who ends up kissing them, one by one.

After kissing them, Y/n let out a small, cute smile and said, "Merry Christmas, boys" The boys didn't know what to say but they smiled in return, "Merry Christmas, Y/n!"

Wish you all a Merry Christmas and to all a good night!

Wish you all a Merry Christmas and to all a good night!

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