How we met| (• ◡•)|

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*sorry for not doing this before I'm so sorry this is my first time doing a story*

Izuku's POV

"The first time I went to America was when I was 14 (he is 16 rn) I was going to visit my dad and stay there for the whole summer break."


Hisashi Midoriya POV

"Today is the day I get to see my son I haven't seen him since he was 3 so you can tell I was pretty excited!" I was going to pick him up at the airport when my husband stopped me.

(Idk this is kinda rushed soooooo I think I'll name his husband Henry Bc of the first letter of Hisashi's name :1 Ik I'm basic but ehh whatever)

Henry: Babe! Be careful Ik you want to meet him but what if you talk to the wrong person. You don't even know what he looks like so I would still be careful!

Hisashi: Wow babe that hurts! And I'm that dumb I know my son Inko already told me what he looks like is looking forward to meeting me! Shit I'm going to be late! I'll be home later!

Henry: Ok babe be careful love you!

Hisashi: Bye babe love you too!

Meh point of view (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃
(;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ') (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ ಠ_ಠ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Hisashi went to the airport and as Izuku was getting off the plane all he could feel was excitement. He went to go get his luggage and waited for his dad to picked him up keep in mind they haven't seen each other so they don't know what each other look like only hisashi has a mental picture of what he looks like.

*still no ones pov*

Hisashi: Izuku?

*Izuku turned his head around only to be met by a man with
black hair and dark brown eyes*

Izuku: Dad?

Hisashi: Oh my gosh! It really you! You've grown so much!

Izuku: 😑 bruh you say I've grown so much you have seen me until 11 years. But anyways how have you been dad!

* I forgot to add the outfit he wore to see his dad here it is*

* I forgot to add the outfit he wore to see his dad here it is*

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*omg I'm so sorry this is being rushed*

Hisashi: I'm good how has your mother been doing!

Izuku: That's good! She is doing good!


Sorry this is trash I would usually take my my time on figure out what I'm going to do with the chapters but this is riches and I know some of you wait forever for me to post I'm sorry I just wanted to post this to get the story going and an Idea of what I'm going to do!

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