A New Year To Remember

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A/N: Happy New Year everyone!!


[WARNING: Quick Lime]

"What kind of idiot will tripped on their own cape and fall down the stairs like that?"

"I know I knowww I'm an idiot, now will you feed me~?"

Kaito whined then open his mouth which made Shinichi sighed and feed him instead of nagging at him. Last night, there was a heist where Kaito had an accident where he fell off the stairs while running away from his Lover. It was quite a shocked knowing that the Kaitou Kid will tripped like that on his own cape while being pursued. The detective quickly helped him get back and changed before they found him injured while still dress as Kid, of course Shinichi didn't stopped nagging at him at how dangerous it was and that he should be more careful. Kissing his metantei will always shut him up which Kaito occasionally uses against Shinichi, he knows that his detective won't admit it but he actually like the surprise kisses.

After Shinichi got his body back a year ago, they have officially started dating each other in secrets since it will be difficult for them to explained how they ended up going out with each other when they don't even know one another personally. Once Kaito finally found Pandora and putting Kaitou Kid to rest then that will be the time where they will tell everyone about their relationship. The only ones who knew were both their parents, Jii-san, Haibara and Professor Agasa in which all of them supported the couple without any problem. 

Shinichi smiled as he watched Kaito happily eating in front of him, this will be the first time in awhile he will get to celebrate the New Year with someone ever since his parents left him to live alone and the same goes to Kaito. He was happy to know that he will be with his beloved Metantei during such occasion, when they celebrated Christmas a few days ago they never knew that having the one you love with you in a special holiday will be this lively and warmth. They both understand the unbeatable loneliness whenever they were forced to celebrate a special occasion alone in the comfort of their own home, friends will sometimes invite them over but it's still different when it's celebrated with someone special. Now that they have each other by their side, they will never feel that cold loneliness anymore.

"Can I come with you?"

"No, stay here and rest instead. I'll go grocery shopping on my own-"

"I'm going~"

Kaito will be dumb to let Shinichi go grocery shopping on his own knowing that it will be more fun to do it together, and he run out of sweets to eat so he needed to restock.

"...Fine, but don't complain if your sprained arm starts aching later."

Shinichi got up from the chair then grabbed his coat, he knows that no matter how many times he said no to the magician he wouldn't be able to stopped him from going so it's best to let him be. Helping Kaito put on his coat was a bit of a challenge but they can managed, after that Shinichi locked the front door then they hop in his car with him driving and Kaito by the passenger seat.

"You're only gonna come with me alright? No carrying anything if you don't want both your arm in a sling."

"Geez don't worry I won't do anything and behave alright~? Now let's go! I've been craving for something sweet."

"When did you ever don't crave for sweets?" Shinichi thought but just shrugged and drove off. He was supposed to go grocery shopping a few days ago but cases keeps on coming his way that he haven't even made it to the entrance of the supermarket when another case had landed in front of his feet. Sometimes he's starting to doubt whether he's really cursed or not, he blames Kaito for saying that. Glancing to his side, a light blushed appeared on the detective's face when he saw his magician already staring at him with such a loving gaze causing him to flinched and looked away. 

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