You desreve all the bright things!

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London, England.

I spent a couple of days at home, just enough to cure from travel fatigue only to be jet lagged again. Mom had to sort some things out in The US and pops had work.

All I did was eat ice cream, watch TV and occasionally hang out in the garden. It wasn't the heartbreak that hurt, it was the slow burn.

He creeped into my heart, made space for himself there and refused to take it when I offered the whole of it to him. I didn't even cry, I felt numb.

As the days passed and this day, the day I fly to Canada approached I felt happier. I was going to have fun and maybe feel something after a long time.

Pops dropped me off at the airport and told me to have fun, he told me multiple times that I wouldn't be able to give my job my all if I'm unhappy. So I should focus on that right now.

"Thanks pops I will!" I hugged him.

"And don't let this one break your heart too." He smiled.

"No! You made it weird! Bye bye now!" I said grabbing my suitcase.

My suitcase was taken by a steward and I was led to a luxurious lounge. I was still soaking in what this place was and how fancy it looked, I felt out of place. I don't belong here, I thought out loud.

"Of course you do! You deserve all the bright things!"

"Lance! You know you're kind of supposed to tell me you're here!" I exclaimed.

"I landed a few minutes back, time to get back onboard! Come on!" He smiled stretching his hand out for me to hold.

I took his hand and followed him back on to the jet. The interiors were luxe, yet again I felt out of place. I awkwardly sat down on a seat. He noticed how weird I felt.

"Why do you feel this way? What's wrong?"

"I don't think I have an answer. I've been numb."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I want to feel again. I just want to feel happy or sad or anything!"

"And you will, we'll get through whatever your head is worrying itself about." He said taking my hand into his.

We watched tons of crappy holiday rom coms with the same plot, we placed bets on what happened next and I was winning by a big margin.

"I'm going to be broke by the time this is done! How do you know all of this?"

"They're so predictable! You going broke? Are we taking about things that'll never happen?" I took a jab at him.


We landed in Montreal at night, I grabbed both our suitcases, force of habit from travelling with Erica.

"You Don't need to do that! Put them down." He laughed.

"Alright, call us a cab then. I'm so sleepy!"

"A cab? No our chauffeur is here, come on sleepy head."

"Oh yeah! I keep forgetting you're like ultra wealthy."

He rolled his eyes at me and continued walking ahead, I reminded him that rolling eyes was my thing and he wasn't allowed to do so.

"Thank you, flying with you was very fun and I'll see you tomorrow morning!" I beamed.

"What do you mean?"

"I have to get to my hotel right? I need to see if they could increase my duration of stay but I never got a confirmation."

"That means they can't accommodate you, you genius!"

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