Monday blues.

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My eyes opened to see the sun shining on the green grass of the lawn outside. Today was my last day in Shanghai, I wanted relive everything. I showered and put on some comfy clothes.

My phone buzzed, it was the reminder I had set for brunch today. I was so excited! I'd been looking forward to this since like forever. Exaggerating? Maybe? 

Maybe not. Alex was taking us out to eat at his favourite place, I've been wanting to see his face for so long! The joy his goofy little smile brings me!

Was I rushing feelings? Was I falling too soon? Was this just a mere infatuation or something deep? Well, there was only one way to find out, talking to him, telling him how I felt and asking him if he felt the same. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone.

"Hello? Ma puce? Can you please come get me when it's 11? Thanks bye!" 

"Arthur, where are you and what does ma puce mean?" 

"My tick and I'm in my room, super hungover and going to rest." He ordered mid yawns.

 "Anything else sir?" I said in a playful tone. 

"That'll be it! Night night!" He said before hanging up.

Evenings continue way beyond the race, the boys were out partying late into the night. They probably had a wild night while I sat in my room with Erica, eating room service, watching more sappy movies. 

I'm not complaining at all! Spending time with Erica is super precious. I just can't wait to see if I'll get my sappy movie ending today.


"On a scale of 1-10 how disgusting do I look right now?" Asked Arthur as he shut the door of his room behind him while adjusting his sunglasses on. 

"I'd say shit. Messy, uncombed hair, a shirt that's not buttoned up right and wrinkly jeans? What happened to that sophisticated boy that shows up to the paddock!" I exclaimed.

"Shush! Stop yelling. My head hurts so bad!" He continued frowning and holding his head in his hands.

It was a pretty building that looked like a siheyuan in the middle of a commercial area, surrounded with tall buildings. It stood out from all the buildings on the street. I was in awe of how pretty it looked on the outside.

"I don't want to break into someone's house. Nat, you go first!" He said pushing me on front of the gates like an offering. 

"Why are you treating me like something that's going to be sacrificed for a ritual?" 

"You should be excited! Your man awaits you inside!" He grinned cheekily. I rolled my eyes and continued walking in.

The place was beautiful on the inside, it had a courtyard like structure housed by walls on all four sides with tables on all levels and even in the courtyard, I was in awe of the place until Arthur pulled me in the direction from where he heard his name being called.

There he was! Waving his hand at us, smiling the biggest smile I've ever seen, the sun accentuated his facial features so well. I was drawn in, absorbed, lost. Just then Arthur elbowed my side.

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