Fuck.My.Life. "That's all I need right now." I grumbled to myself. Parker's equally annoying best friend coming for dinner. They'd been friends for so long now, that he was practically part of the family. They'd met in kindergarten and remained inseparable since.  Parker, Justin, my best friend Keira and I had basically grown up with each other.

But Justin and Parker have hardly been around for the past two years since they've been at University. Parker had been studying for a degree in sports, hoping to have a career as some star football player in the NFL and I honestly can't remember what Justin was studying.

It'd been so peaceful not having the two of them around since they were only able to visit for a few days in the holidays. But sadly the blissful peace I had become used to, came to an end a few days ago when Parker came home after finishing University. And now I'd have to suffer a whole dinner with the both of them. Just great.

On the bright side...Keira should be back from her long holiday with her parents by now. I decided to send her a quick text and see if she might stop by later as well and save my sanity by keeping me company.

Hey stranger! The idiots are back and stayin for dinner, do me a favor and keep me sane by coming round later?

Im x.x.x

It was only minutes after I had sent that text to Keira that my phone beeped with a new message.

Hey babe! Just unpacking at the mo, but I'll be round in a bit kay? Got so much to tell ya!

K x.x.x

I smiled at her reply and slipped my phone in my pocket. The same was with her; she also was basically part of the family, a sister even. As we've been best friends for as long as I can remember. Man I've missed that girl! The summer hadn't been the same without her, but I can't blame her for going away for so long since they were going to the Caribbean for the whole holiday. I mean who in their right mind would say no to that? 


After drying my hair with a towel, I was finally able to attack it with a brush, smoothing it into their natural curls and leaving it down. Sitting at my dressing table, I started applying some mascara and some lip balm. Last, I put on a silver necklace with my name in cursive and a matching pair of hoop earrings. Getting up, I started to make my way downstairs. By the time I was at the bottom, I was just in time to witness Justin walk through the front door. Let the fun begin...

I walked over to the door way of the living room and lent on the door frame, folding my arms across my chest and watching as he closed the front door behind him.  He called to my parents loudly with the widest grin possible "Lin, Steve guess who's back!"

Not wanting to interrupt the chaos I knew was about to go down I remained in my position at the door way. Almost immediately after Justin had spoken, my mom came running towards him with the most radiant smile I have ever seen and her arms open wide ready to envelope him in a warm embrace.

"Aww my little Justin's back!!" she cooed excitedly whilst still holding him in her death grip of a hug.

She finally released him and took a step back to examine him carefully. "My God!  You look so grown up! And so tall now! Who are you and what have you done with my little Justin?" He chuckled as his cheeks reddened and scratched the back of his neck. A frown made its way onto my mom's face as the interrogation began "Look at you young man!! You look so skinny! Are you sure you've been eating well? I bet you haven't, have you? Boys! What are you like? Too busy partying to worry about having a proper diet! I bet you barely even cooked and just relied on takeout! Typical-" 

Forbidden Devotion (Student/Teacher Relationship)Where stories live. Discover now