Tears of a Wolf

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I walked through the woods on a summer's night, with a camera by my side. I walked along the path when, in the corner of my eye, I spotted a trail of blood. Curiosity called for me to follow this new path. I followed until the trail led into a clearing. There, under the moonlight, lied a wolf, his life bleeding away. Out of the shadows came another wolf, who lied down beside it's dying friend. It lied it's head on top of him and lovingly licked his cheek. They sat there for what seemed like an eternity, until the wounded wolf's spirit drifted off into the night. The wolf slowly lifted itself off of it's friends body and raised it's head towards the sky. It began to howl the most heartbreaking song of all. As I looked on, I saw the wolf begin to cry. I sat there listening to the wolf's song, until the sun rose and the wolf fled through the trees.

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