Sin nods. “Yeah, and Vahn’s coming too. He told me yesterday.”

Nick turns to me, raising his eyebrows in question. “Sure, I’ll go too,” I shrug. It’s not like I have anything better to do this Friday anyway.

I’ll probably hang out with some people or hide in an empty bedroom and watch Netflix with Nick on my phone like what we do at almost every party or something and go home after that. I don’t even get the point of parties, but I always get invited to tons of them nonetheless.


I message Nathan later in the evening, lying down on my bed.

Me: Hey Nathan

Nathan: hi ryder!

Me: There’s this party at Jace’s this Friday

Me: Wanna come along?

Nathan: sorry um I have to go out with my parents again

Me: Again?

Nathan: yeah we go out every friday :/

Nathan: it’s boring honestly cause all we do is just eat lunch and walk around the mall and not doing anything 

Me: That’s sad

Nathan: ikr :(( btw tell me all about the party on monday

Nathan: i’ll be all ears :D

I picture Nathan sitting across me with his chin propped under his hands listening intently while a small smile plays on his lips. My heartbeat quickens at the image. Oh my god, that’s so cute.

Me: Yeah I will, don't worry

I smile into my pillow. Ugh, the effect this precious doe-eyed freckled boy has on me.


Friday comes by in a whizz and here I am standing shirtless in front of my wardrobe, thinking of what to wear. I look through my drab pile of dark-coloured T-Shirts and jeans. I really need to start buying lighter-coloured shirts and other clothes - maybe a few flannels or button-downs too?

“Just slap on a black shirt or whatever. Your jeans are fine,” Nick - sprawled on my bed using his phone - says, “I mean, you’re not trying to impress anyone, right?”

I turn around to face Nick. “Yeah, but this is a social event! I have to look decent, at least.”

“Whatever bro, people either don't care or are gonna be too drunk to notice what you’re wearing anyway,” Nick says dismissively. “By the way, it’s so tiring to watch you do this every time there’s a party. Just put on a shirt and let’s go.”

I roll my eyes and put on a navy blue shirt. Then, Nick springs up from my bed and ruffles my hair.

“You look fantastic.” He grins at me and grabs his car keys from my desk.

“Thank you.” I do a little curtsey on the spot and Nick bursts out laughing.

“Don’t do that, you look dumb. Come on, we’re going to be late.”


Ryder and I arrive at Jace’s house. Okay, I wouldn’t call it a house, I would call it a freaking mansion. It’s so big, with large windows, a huge living room, a vast backyard where some people are smoking and drinking and probably has five or six bedrooms. The living area is full of people dancing, drinking and at a corner, a few couples are making out passionately (and drunkenly). Heavy bass music blasts from the huge speakers in the living room, the beats reverberating throughout my whole body.

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