§ Chapter One §

Start from the beginning

He looked at the big house in front of him, it was beautiful.

But he knew looks could be deceiving. He sigh and stood next to Mrs.Sevan as she ringed the intercom and a soft female voice answered, "who's there?"

"Mrs.Sevan and the new boy, Trevor." She answered and shortly after they heard a click, and the gate opened.

The garden was small but well taken care of, it looked like there's more of it in the back but he didn't have anytime to explore. Once again they stood in front of a closed door, and Mrs.Sevan knocked softly.

Soon enough a women with a big warm smile opened the door, behind her you could see a bunch of other boys fighting each other and trying to rip their heads off, that is, till they see Trevor.

"Hey guys! Look! A new kid!"

"Taylor put him in my room I'm lonely!"

"Taylor what's his name?"

Is seems the women's name, the one who opened the door, was Taylor.

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" She turned around and looked over the black haired boy that had a bit too many bracelets on his arms.

"I'm Trevor." He answered before the black haired boy would have to ask again. Trevor wasn't the shy type, so hopefully he'll have that in his advantage.

"Hey Trevor!" Some of them said in the same time,

A bunch of retards.

Was Trevor's first impression of them.

"Okay come in my office, we'll sign you up tell you a little about the place and then you can go to dinner with the others, how does that sound?"

"Good." Horrible. Trevor nodded and walked in, "I'm gonna get going now, I'll let Diana know you came here in one peace-" said Mrs. Sevan "- but call her as soon as you can,okay?"

"M'okay" Trevor nodded again and walked in the office.

"First, fill this up, as much as you can." She handed him a peace a paper,
Full name: Trevor Jordan
Date if birth: 1998.12.20

And so on, he answered as much as he could, and turned the page over;
Phone numbers of friends, and social workers.

Trevor looked confused and the women quickly explained, "You'll have your phone taken away here, so when you want to talk to your social worker you'll need to have the number, as for friends you can have up to 10 minutes conversions twice a week.

So just fill in your social worker's number,and three or more people you'd like to call during the week. It could be a friend a relative, even parents. But all calls except the ones with your social worker would be on a speaker."

He swallowed his salvia very loudly and stared at the paper.

Quickly he wrote down his social worker phone number and handed in the paper.

"What about friends?" She looked confused at the only one phone number that was written.

"I don't have any."

She looked up at him with a weirs expression and nodded.

"That's it? Are you sure? There's no adding numbers later. Your phone will be taken and you will not see it till you'll leave this place." It sounded more like a threat but Trevor stayed calm.

The Broken Kids (BoyxBoy) {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now