pt 29. home to her

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c l o v e r

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c l o v e r

"i don't wanna love myself, i'm praying that they all love me"

Remi hadn't quit crying since we arrived back at the house, not that I had expected her to. I stayed in the bathroom with her as she showered, she asked me to talk to her as I sat on the sink. Her shower was very long, and when she felt ready to get out I was waiting with one of Sins softest towels.

I cant remember how long I stood hugging her while she dripped on the floor and held her towel closed, but I knew she needed it.

Now she was wearing my fuzzy hedgehog pajama pants with a giant t-shirt. I had just finished making her some Mac and cheese where I now sat on the counter and played with her hair as she ate.

I really hope Sin is alright, Remi and I had to leave him as soon as Kellan showed up, my brother. I'm praying everything is going well.

I tried to stay calm although it was a little hard knowing he was basically in the lions den, his only allies being his four men, and that's being generous considering how nervous Cam looked tonight.

"Liv, can I bother you for some more?" I glanced down at the previously full bowl of Mac and cheese that's now empty. I smiled softly and hoped off the counter ready to fill it with some more. "No bother at all." I tried to keep my tone as gentle as possible, I have a feeling she hadn't had much of that the past few days.

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