💥 Alert 💥

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Zack and Melvs POV

*Flash back to the Criminal gathering*

"Wait Zack I forgot to tell y-
"Princess? Y/n?! Where the hell did she go I can't see shit!" Zack yelled.
"Calm down, obviously an attack is happening, stay alert" Melv told him.
The sound of people in the distance yelling didn't help. You had gotten dragged away and Zack was freaking the fuck out while Melv tried to figure out the situation. Gun shots suddenly started going off in the dark and blood splattered everywhere.
"Shit , Zack get ready to fight" Melv pulled out his guns as Zack held his scythe ready for combat. The lights flickered back on and suddenly the remaining Criminals and Mob members eyes landed on them.
"It was those crazy bastards I bet!" A man yelled. He was dressed in traditional attire and had a snake tattoo on his arm, with a sword on his belt. "I heard those two talking earlier about killing everyone and betraying the Mob with the police"
"What the hell are you talking about?!" Zack yelled angrily.
Suddenly police bursted through the main doors. "EVERYONE GET ON THE GROUND"
The man with the sword smirked and the lights flickered on and off. He ran to a closet which caught Melvs attention.
"Fuck, we gotta take them out" Melv told Zack.
"Damn straight" Zack laughed excited.
The lights flickered, causing confusion as the cops shot and everyone fought and screamed. Bodies were everywhere and Zack's laughter could be heard echoing throughout the room. The lights went completely dark for a few moments and Zack ended slicing Melvs stomach open while trying to go for a different person.
"Dammit.." the lights came back on and the rest of the criminals retreated else where.
Zack's eyes widened as he saw Melv fall on his knees and hold his stomach.
"The closet!! Hurry Y/n is in there!" Melv urged.
With no hesitation Zack ran towards it and used his scythe to break it down.
"Zack?" You said hopeful.
"You thought you could get away from me that easy princess?" He smirked.

Melv and Sakis POV
"Damn.. I got out of there just in time but it's not like I can go to a hospital" Melv started coughing up blood as he limped on the side of the road. "I shouldn't have slipped those Keys in Zack's pocket, Dammit then how would they have gotten away without it?"
He leaned up against a tree to take a break.
"Need some help?"
Melv jumped and immediately pulled out his gun.
"No need to get all worked up, I'm just trying to help"
"I don't need you're help, and it looks like you're the one who needs help buddy"
The man touched his now bloody bandages that were now wrapped around his eye.
"Ha, I guess you're right"
"You look familiar, but I don't remember meeting a one eyed creepy cop before" Melv started chuckling and immediately winced.
"That's a bad wound, how'd you get that?"
"How'd you get yours?" Melv said suspicious.
"Well.. Some guy smashed my ankle with a bat and dug out my eye over a girl" He shrugged.
"How are you walking then?" Melv questioned suspiciously.
"How'd you get your wound?"
"My buddy decided to use me as his target" Melv laughed.
"So what? are you gonna die out here or are you gonna get in my car and let me drive you home?"
"Fine.. What's you're name first?"
"Saki" He smirked and limped to the car.
Melv got in the car and told Saki the address. As they were driving a few questions stirred up a conversation.
"So you're telling me, someone gauged out your eye over a girl?" Melv chuckled.
"Dont laugh! It's not funny, I passed out and woke up on the ground outside"
"That girl must've helped you out then because the whole place lit up in flames"
"You think so?"
"You're a cop right? that badge.."
"...More or less"
They arrived at the destination as Saki parked in front of Melvs place.
"Well thanks bud, hope you don't expect gas money" Melv said getting out the car.
"You gonna sew up that wound?" Saki laughed.
"Either that or bleed to death, thanks for the ride " Melv turned to go in the house.
"Mind if I come in?"
"WOAH BUDDY, listen i'm not into one night stands, and I don't swing that way. I mean you're not ugly. Plus you're nice but.. I mean I'm injured and so are you. Plus there's this girl I'm trying to steal sooo" Melv laughed nervously.
Saki looked at him dumbfounded before laughing. "Mind if I come in and use the bathroom?"
"Oh.. Yea man! Ignore everything I just said haha!"
They walked in the house clueless about each other's identity.
"You know.. look very familiar"
"Must be hard to remember a face with one eye" Melv laughed.
"It's not funny! Nice shoes by the way.. very red" Saki stated. "By the way I never caught your name"
"It's Melv"
"That a very bland name"
"Shut the hell up! It's not my real name" Melv said throwing something at Saki.
"You're gonna bleed out if you keep moving"
"Your eyes gonna bleed out if you don't change that bandage" Melv insulted. "I thought you had to use that bathroom!"
"Turns out I don't, oopsies" Saki shrug and smiled.
"Get the hell out!" Melv yelled.
"Is that anyway to talk to a detective" Saki laughed.
"Wait detective? Wait.. I remember now Sooji joh! That's you're alias on stage!"
"So you are a criminal.. No wonder you were there" Saki sat on the couch.
"Dont make yourself comfortable!"
"My ankle was killing me" He shrugged.
"So you're telling me you just happened to get your eye gauged out at random?" Melv sat across from him.
"Well technically I did snatch her away so my bad"
"Snatch? What's her name?" Melv thought getting more suspicious.
"You know you do look really familiar, have you ever been called 'red shoes guy'?" Saki asked equally suspicious.
"Don't avoid the question, what's her name Detective?"
"What was your buddy's name again? the one that sliced you open?"
They both had a sudden realization and stood up grabbing their gun.
"So you're the one that took Y/n!"
"Ha, so you hang out with that bandaged criminal too? You were the one who kissed her at the store!!"
Melv knew he wasn't in a good position, yes the detective was wounded but Melvs was worst.
"So Isaac sliced you up? Some friend" Saki laughed.
"Why the hell did you take her? So you left her with the guy who did that to your eye?" Melv felt himself getting nauseous from loss of blood and tightened his grip on the gun.
"Shut up, she wouldn't be in that predicament if you let her come with me"
Suddenly Melv passed out on the couch which caused Saki to get startled and shoot his gun. The shot hit Melv directly in his chest.
"Wha- are you okay? Shit I didn't mean too. Melv wake up" Saki ran to him, "Come on it's okay, No no no, I didn't mean too, wake up!" Saki held Melv in his hands as blood went everywhere. "It's okay, It's okay, He's a criminal. I'm not a bad person" Saki dragged Melvs body into the back room. "Hahaha, No i'm not a murderer, He's a criminal it was for justice!"

*End of Flashback*
After Saki was done telling the story you just stood there with your mouth hung open.
"So Melv was trying to steal my girl!" Zack exclaimed.
"Is that all you're worried about Zack!! Saki it seems to me you killed him and then out of guilt tried to make it seem like you're the good guy!"
"What do you know?!" Saki pointed the gun at you. "You don't know anything!"

Keep in mind, Keen and Zack didn't officially meet until Saki took you in the closet. And Saki and Melv didn't know each other but had met at the grocery store

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