Out of Mind: Part 4

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The screen opens up with a very tall building.

Tex: Okay, I'm officially worried. There hasn't been any movement for days. It looks like they've bunkered down, or left. 

Alex: Nah it's just coincidence. Bob, see anything?

Bob: I sEe SoMeThInG tHiCc. (Sees Tex's but) ExTrA ThI- (Notice Tex Looking at him) Oh SwEeT sHiT bAlLs!

Tex then kicks right at Bob's balls.

Bob: My BaLlS.

SMG4: Umm... okay, I can't even see them so far.

York: Yep. What do you think, D?

Delta: If Omega is inside the building, we must enter to locate him. If he has already left, that building contains the only clues to his current location. In either scenario, we must-

York: Let's go.

York, Tex, Alex, and SMG4 Gang run along the desert plain toward the building

Tex: Okay then, stick to the plan. We split, maintain visual, no radios, movement on fours. Sync?

York: Synced.

Tex: Go.

York runs forward

Delta: (in his head) York, I am concerned. I have been monitoring Agent Texas, her vital statistics are well above normal.

York: I'm sure she's just tense, D.

Tex runs by

York: Okay? I am too, and I'm not fighting something that lived in my head for a few years.

Delta: (appearing and running too) Agree, but the anomaly is worth noting. Once we encounter the target her emotions may make her actions erratic.

York: What can I tell ya? Just one of the things that makes us human, D.

Delta: (catching up) Excellent point, York. I was not looking at it from a flawed perspective. I will try to do so in the future.

York: Well it sure would make these conversations easier. Thanks for coming down to my level, D.

Delta: I am here to assist.

Tex and York run into the base and join up inside

Tex: No vis.

York: No vis.

Tex: There it is, bust the lock and this teleporter will take us up top.

York: Whoa whoa, you said an encrypted lock. This is a holographic lock.

Tex: Is there a difference?

York: Yeah, hence the two names.

Tex: So can you open it or not?

York: Of course I can! It's just much harder. I just brought it up 'cause I wanted you to realize how kick-ass I am.

Tex: I'm convinced, get to work.

Delta: (reappearing) York, why are we doing this? Killing Omega will not repair the damage he did to your optic nerve.

York: I'm not doin' it to fix my eye, D. I'm doin' it because my eye is broken.

Delta: I apologize, but that does not make sense to me.

York: Omega and Allison were always the best. No one could compete with them. Not me, not Wyoming not anybody. Trying to beat them when I should have given up is how I got hurt in the first place.

Delta: Oh, so it is pride. I was registering an emotion, but I incorrectly categorized it as "stupidity."

York: Yeah, they're closely related.

Alex and SMG4 Gang walk around till they found a door.

Alex: Delta, is Meggy there?

Delta: From what your profiles of Meggy look like, her heart rate stills beats in a calming way.

Alex: She must've been unconscious or been sleeping for a while from the process. Let's go.

As they about to go through, they notice a keypad code.

Mario: Stand aside, Mario's got 4 IQ.

Mario then enters the code that said "2109230-289-04394883" and enters only to get exploded by cannon.

Delta: I suggest you let him do it due to his luck on keypads and codes.

York: Yep. That guy is one lucky man left for every mission.

Alex: Let's see.

He then puts "8244176162018" and enters the code in as door open reveal Meggy unconscious with the device on her head as the computer said it was at 100%

York: That's Meggy? Former Inkling... didn't expect her to be an anime-like appearance.

Delta: From data that has been shown, Meggy got it from Goku's Ultra Instinct and a small percent of ink left in order to give Axol some ink to create an anime version of Shaggy from the childhood series, Scooby-Doo.

Axol: (Sigh) Old times... but sad times.

As Alex was about to approach, he then recognizes the appearance of the A.I.

Desti A.I.: Agh... my head.

Alex: wait... Desti?!

Desti: Alex?! (Notice Meggy) Meggy?! Everyone?!

Alex: By god... their experiment work.

Desti: What worked?!

Alex: Copying memories related to one person's works. It was able to create a new smart A.I.

Delta: Seems possible if the right equipment.

Desti: Who is he?!

Delta: Greetings, I am Delta, the logic of the A.I. And you're the smart A.I. from everyone you know of's memories.

Desti: Then... that could mean...

Alex: (Sigh) You die and give Meggy a goal to win a Splatfest for you...

Desti: (Sigh) Now what do I do?

Alex: Come with me. You're not safe.

SMG4: Wyoming is going to use you in order to win.

Desti: umm...

Tex: Please... do for Meggy and others.

Desti then looks at Meggy and others.

Desti: Well, since I change sides, guess I'll join ya.

Alex then gets the A.I. chip and insert it into his helmet.

Alex: Comfy?

Desti: It actually is. Man, you got a lot of equipment.

Alex: Thanks, I had some Hardlight Shield, Adaptive Camouflage, Healing Unit, Overshield, Grav Boots-

SMG4: Man, he got a lot.

York: Well, that's Alex the inventor of equipment and etc.

Alex: -Holographic Projection, BioScan, and etc. Basically, I build this suit to fit all enhancement in one go. And I had it all enhancements in this chip that's inside this suit. Genius I say?

Desti: Genius.

Alex: What worst could it happened, it's not like we get surprising attacks.

To Be Continued

SMG4 X Red Vs Blue X Male OC Insert Blood Gulch SagaWhere stories live. Discover now