Kara looked at the clock on her bedside table and realized she should probably meet up with Lena. She'd have to put her thoughts aside and go out there as Lena's friend today. She could figure out her situation later.

Heading to the front of the dinning hall, Kara turned the corner and was met with a sight that caused her to pause in her tracks. Lena was there in tall leather boots, jeans that hugged her body in a tempting way, a louse blouse underneath and a long winter coat over it all topped with an adorable little beanie on her head.

"This is gonna be harder than I thought..." Kara muttered under her breath.

Lena and Kara greeted each other and went down to Hogsmead together. Snow had descended on Hogwarts overnight and they fumbled through the snow laughing and catching each other as they almost slipped countless times. By the time they reached one of the shops to grab something warm to drink, tiny snowflakes kissed the tops of Lena's eyes and her hair. She looked like some beautiful ice princess. Lena laughed at Kara for getting all wet when she threw herself into a pile of snow to make snow angels. Followed by Kara dragging her into the snow with her. They laughed next to each other in the soft snow and there was a moment when they stared into each other eyes. They were very close, the breath between them mingling before their eyes in the cold weather. Kara had to fight every urge in her body to not lean forward and kiss her.

Now in the warm inside of the shop they sat across each other at a wooden table, two large mugs of hot chocolate had been placed before them and they drank slowly while casting wanting looks above the rims of the cups to each other. What was this girl doing to her?? She was driving her insane.

Did Lena feel the same way about Kara? Or was Kara just imagining things between them. Lena snapped Kara out of her thoughts and they began talking about their plans for the holidays. Kara and her sister were actually planning on staying at Hogwarts for the holidays since they're parents were away on important business. Kara didn't mind, she loved holidays at Hogwarts. The food, the lights, the snow. It was perfect. Lena it turns out was also staying at Hogwarts for the holidays ( along with Lex).

"What do you usually do for Christmas," Kara asked as she struggled to get a marshmallow to come out of the cup and into her mouth.

"Not much honestly. It wasn't exactly a warm celebration at our house. Open some gifts, nothing we exactly ever wanted but that they thought we should have and that was that. No nice dinner or sitting around a fire saying how grateful you are for one another..."

Lena's sad tone had stopped Kara from fighting with the marshmallow and she was now focused solely on her. " What did you want ?"

Lena looked up confused, "I'm sorry? What do you mean?"

Kara looked her lovingly in her eyes, " You said you never got what you wanted for Christmas. What did you want ?"

Lena looked taken back, " Wow ummm.. ha honestly no ones ever asked me that."

Kara smiled on this small victory that she had been the first person to ever ask Lena Luthor what she wanted for Christmas.

Lena looked around at nothing in particular just thinking. Then all at once it seems to hit her, "What I've always wanted for Christmas is... a traditional one. I want the gifts, the big feast, the fire, the ugly sweaters ha ha I just..."

Kara smiled at her and couldn't help but reach across the table and grab her hand gently, " No I understand Lena. My first ever Christmas with the Danvers after the adopted me was... absolutely amazing. I'll never forget it. Everyone should have at least one really good Christmas. And that's exactly what I plan on giving you this year!"

Lena blushed, " What hahaha I mean, Kara that's so sweet but you don't have to worry about me."

Kara brushed it aside, "I'm not worrying Lena. This is something I want to do for you. Say no more. Alex and I will work on operation give Lena the best Christmas ever! You won't have to worry about a thing."

Lena couldn't stop smiling now she seemed lost for words. " Kara I... thank you. Thank you so much. For being you."

It was Kara's turn to blush, " It's nothing Lena."

They finished their hot chocolate and left the shop to head around to others. After buying some sweets and other small things in some of the shops they decided to head back to Hogwarts. Lena had to practically drag Kara away from a quidditch supply shop but that was besides the point. Kara's heart was bursting. She loved spending time with Lena, holding hands, being playful, making jokes, talking.

Together they walked down a path that was surrounded by snow covered trees. The easiest way to describe it was a winter wonderland. Kara stopped in her tracks and stared around at it all. Every single tree was covered in a brilliant white snow with small icicles hanging down like frozen tear drops.

Lena took her hand and came to stand next to her, " Beautiful isn't it."

Kara looked at Lena and stared for just the slightest of moments, " The most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

Lena noticed Kara looking at her, a blush crept over her cheeks. She didn't break eye contact with Kara as she moved closer to her.

" I had an amazing time today Kara. Thank you for taking me out."

Her mouth seems dry suddenly but she swallowed and said, " Anytime Lena."

They both heard something that could only be described as tiny bells above them. There in the branches above their heads magically grew a mistletoe. Their eyes widen and they looked at each other and each blushed before turning away.

"Would you look at that. Mistletoe," Kara said and Lena smiled seductively before placing her hand behind Kara's neck and bringing their faces closer together slowly. Kara's heart was beating out of her chest. No matter how hard she tried it wouldn't calm down. She could smell Lena, her scent was sweet and sexy, and for the love of Merlin her eyes were so so beautiful. Kara was getting lost in them and it calmed her down. She wanted to kiss her so bad. Kara had never wanted something so strongly in her entire life.

Lena was was staring at Kara's lips too. Her eyes glistened in a dreamy like way. She parted her lips and whispered between them, "I'm sorry Kara but you don't know how long I've been wanting to do this..."

Lena closed the distance between, their lips meeting in the middle. Lena's lips were cool in a refreshing type of way, and so soft that Kara found herself kissing them gently in a fear she might hurt them. Wow this was amazing. They moved in sync, lips gliding over each other in a shy way, and Kara couldn't remember a time she'd ever felt more alive other than when she was flying. The kiss seemed to last forever though Kara felt she was in a state of hallucination that made time seem nonexistent.

Finally breaking apart from each other they both looked at one another with dreamy eyes and wide smiles on their faces. They laughed for a moment and simply placed their heads against one another. Talking seemed impossible but finally Kara said, " I've been wanting to kiss you for some time now Lena. I can say it was worth the wait."

The two stood underneath the snow covered trees smiling and laughing but off in the distance a cloaked figure with red hair stood watching them. In fact, the figure had been following them for quite some time now. Since the pair had left Hogwarts that afternoon.

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