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Everything went still. I couldn't hear anything but as soon as I felt the nausea I stopped still.

"Dimitri," I said urgently "there are strigoi her- "
Too late. Dimitri saw it, a long, pale strigoi with red eyes was coming in our direction. As soon as he was visible enough to fight, Dimitri had his stake out. The strigoi was very fast but so was Dimitri. They fought for like a minute and then Dimitri's stake was in the strigoi's heart. And then there were more of them, I saw seven sets of eyes on us. And then Dimitri handed me his stake, I thought about it because he can't be left unarmed but then he got his other stake out from his pocket.

"I am so going to finish these assholes." I thought

Then without wasting a second I started fighting the first strigoi that was coming in my direction. It was a tall woman with blond hair, she must have been a moroi before, she tried to punch me on my face but I managed to dodge the attack and kicked her in the ribs causing her to stumble then gave her an upward strike on her face,i knew that attack will not kill her but will distract her for a bit so that I could get the opportunity to stake her and I did, then shoving her body away from me, I started fighting the next one, I got a glimpse of Dimitri who was fighting three strigoi alone. I kept fighting, and when I killed my third strigoi I looked around but there were none left.

"Are you ok?" I asked Dimitri

"I'm okay Roza" he panted

"What just happened?"

"I don't know, what happened. Strigoi shouldn't be able to cross the wards." he said with a confused look.

"Well then definitely there's something wrong with the wards. Right?" I asked

"Yeah, come let's go inside and inform the others about this."

The second he finished saying I felt the nausea again and then there was another strigoi, well it was not just one strigoi there were more and as much as I can hear from my dhampir hearing there were more coming. Holy shit, there was a strigoi army coming to attack our academy. Dimitri realized the same thing.

"Listen Roza, go, now and inform any guardian about this" he said "Now, GO"

Without saying a word, I started running towards the guardian building trying to find someone. And then I saw Alberta.

"Alberta there are strigoi outside the gate, Dimitri is fighting them alone." I said "You have to help him."

At first I thought she wasn't going to believe me but then she did.

"Rose, how many are there?" Alberta asked me

I could see in her eyes that she trusted me. I took a deep breath and said

"There were seven of them first, we killed them. But then there were more, its like a freaking strigoi army there. Dimitri is fighting them alone, DO SOMETHING." I almost shouted

And like that, Alberta was gone.

It was like they had practiced, what to do in a situation like this. Of course, they did, they were trained guardians. I saw guardians lining up with stakes and some were even having silver knifes with them.

All the novices were watching the guardians forming groups and running.

Then Alberta came, "All the novices are requested to go back in their dorms, right now."

"I can help," I told her  "You know I can, I just killed three strigois there and I have killed them before too." I told her

Then the most unexpected thing happened, Alberta nodded and said "Okay, take them and be there, guard that place."

I did exactly as she said. I told the novices to move to there dorms and they all did as I said. We started moving towards the building where our dorms were. When everyone was in one safe place, I looked around and saw that there were many moroi too.

Then I knew what I had to say, "Listen everyone, we've been training for a situation like this our whole life. Now is the right time to show those fucking idiot strigoi's what we are capable of. And for that I need your help, I want you all to protect the moroi here." And just as I said that, I felt that Lissa was not here.

My heart skipped a beat, I couldn't believe this.

"WHERE IS LISSA?" I shouted at the person next to me, which was Eddie who was supposed to be protecting her. He looked at me and felt that now he was going to die.

I left the dorm in which everyone else was, I slipped into her head to see where she was, she was outside the gym behind a tree trying to hide herself, looking scared. I returned to my body and ran towards the exit door of our building. When I reached the place where lissa was, I started looking around and saw her behind a tree and just when I was about to call her, she saw me. I could see a look of relief on her face, she came and hugged me.

"Rose, I didn't know what was happening then I saw a strigoi, I even felt or heard your voice saying that you are going to finish these assholes, I couldn't think of anything else. So i came here" She told me. The look of fear clearly visible as she said those words.

"Liss, relax it's going to be okay. I am going to protect you." I said trying to calm her.

Then i realised something.

"Wait what did you say, you heard me? I said those words when I was at the gate fighting. I actually didn't even say it, I was thinking that."

"The bond is working both-ways Rose. I heard you through the bond." Lissa said being totally confused.

"I don't know Liss. But right know you need to be safe, come with me."

As soon as I said those words, I felt that same nausea and as I turned around, I saw eight strigoi coming where I was standing with lissa. 

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