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So I told them the whole story, they were all listening to me without saying anything. Some looked shocked by hearing that I didn't even think twice before going in front of fifteen strigoi to protect Lissa, well she is my best friend and my future charge what else would I do. By the end of the story, some looked like they were proud of me, some had their mask on.

"So Rose how many did you kill?" Alberta asked, It looked like she didn't want to know. Of course, no one wants many kills in my age and every guardian understood that.

"Well, three near the gate, eight in front of the gym, four with guardian Belikov and Alto, and three near the back gate of the church. So eighteen." I whispered the last part because I didn't count my kills until that moment, my mom gave my hand a little squeeze.

Everyone looked shocked by my answer.

"How can you believe her? What is the proof that she is not doing all this just to get molnija marks, she is not even inked, to tell the truth." a guardian shouted at me, some who knew me looked at him like they were gonna kill him especially mom, Alberta, and Dimitri, they were actually gonna kill him. Oh boy.

In this story when a guardian is inked, the ink has a compulsion spell that allows them to say the truth about their kill number. So no one lies about their kills.

My mom's face looked redder than her hair, I seriously thought she was gonna burst. I was trying to think what to say that would not sound rude but will still answer that jackass's question. But my mom had exploded by that time.

"You don't get to speak like that to my daughter. According to you, she is just a novice who you think can lie about things like these for molnija. Then you don't know anything about her. She is inked." half of the people gasped at this. "And when she killed her first strigoi she did that by decapitating them with a  sword that was not sharpened for years and she lost her best friend that day." now everyone was shocked, it was a little confusing that they were more shocked because I was inked or because of the Hathaway explosion they just faced, well except Dimitri being with a Hathaway helps with that. Also that day it was just mom and Dimitri with court guardians and there were no court guardians here.

Now before mom would start killing everyone I gave her hand a little squeeze.

"Mom it's okay, I can handle this." I said to her, not loud enough for everyone to hear.

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