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Lissa POV

Oh no, is she okay?

"Guardian Belikov, Rose." I was panting.

He was sitting there talking to Alberta about something, he almost jumped from his chair maybe because he realized I was still there or I kind of shouted those words.

"What happened to her, is she okay? Were you talking to her?" he asked me looking worried.

"She is in a cave, she said it's not far from here."

Then there was hope in his eyes.

"I know about a cave that's not far from school and that definitely is the best place for a strigoi to hide." Alberta said.

"But, there's something else too." I said feeling sad and guilty at the same time because what I was about to say will definitely make them very sad.
"What are you talking about lissa, what is it?" Alberta asked me.

"They are torturing her and she doesn't think she is going to survive for long." Just as those words came out of my mouth, I heard someone gasp behind me, I turned around and saw a short, red hair guardian, Janine Hathaway. Oh no, I didn't expect her to be here.

"Oh Janine, it's okay. She is going to be okay. Well, what are you doing here anyway?" It was Alberta and she was trying to comfort her. Well, her daughter just got kidnapped by strigoi's and they are torturing her, you cannot expect her to smile right now.

"I heard about the strigoi attack and that a lot of guardians died. I thought I might help." She was trying her best to look calm and have her guardian mask on but in a situation like this, it's best not to hide your feelings.

"Janine, Alberta take your stakes and call some guardians. Lissa you are also coming with us, we need to know where rose is and how she is." It was Dimitri who said this, it was more like an order but he still looked very sad, I guess he was trying to convince himself that he can save rose. Well, that is something I really need to think about, but not just now.

"Where are we going guardian Belikov?" Guardian Hathaway asked Dimitri.

"To save your daughter."

I have no idea how is he planning to do that but I will do anything to save my best friend.

Rose POV

Oh God, my head hurts like hell. I don't even know what's the time. I guess hours have passed. Well, I have to do something, now. I can not even try to talk to lissa, I am too weak for that. I have to do something myself and I know I can do that because I am Rose Hathaway and I'm not gonna die. Not today at least.

Then I started looking around for something that I can use, nothing. Holy crap, what am I gonna do, I need to get out of here. It's not like I can use my charm, well they are strigoi's. thinking of charm, I looked at myself. Oh no, I am in the worst condition possible right now, I can feel blood on my face and my neck, then my swollen leg and wrist, also I have cuts and bruises all over my body. Even if I think of something, I cannot escape this place, not when I am in this body. And just when I was thinking of something, I heard footsteps and there he was, the oldest asshat. I like that name.

"Oh, someone looks ravishing." He said with a laugh. God I really wanted to kill him.

"What do you want? You've tortured me. I'm gonna die soon. What's left? Ripping my heart out and serve it to your little servants there." I was so pissed at him that I didn't realize that I might have given him an idea. Oh, stupid Rose, why do I do this every time.

"Well, that's not a bad idea you know." He said with a smirk on his ugly pale face. "But right now, I have something else on my mind."

I was trying to guess what he's gonna do, then he took out a small knife from his pocket. Bloody hell, what is he going to do now.

"Why are you doing this to me? Because I saved the princess?" I asked him because seriously I have no idea why he hated me so much or it was just for fun.

"You really think that's what this is, I thought you would be smarter than that. Well, you must remember Igor?" he said that but this time he seemed serious.

And well the name Igor, I can never forget that name, that day and what happened that day. Thinking about that day makes me really sad and angry at the same time. Because my whole life, I was excited about one thing the most, that was killing a strigoi. But when I actually did that, it was horrible because I did that to kill the murderer of my friend, a friend who was really close to my heart and who lost his life trying to protect me because he had feelings for me.

"Of course, you remember, well he was my creator and you killed him. So, I'm here for revenge and I am going to give you the worst and the slowest death possible." he said with hatred in his eyes.

Oh boy, I guess the last moments of my life are gonna be really painful.

Dimitri POV

"To save your daughter." I said.

I have always sacrificed my life for the moroi because I thought that's what life is about, protecting them 'they come first'. I have always lived by that quote. I always thought our emotions don't matter because if we think about our emotions, we can risk their lives. Then I met her, Rose Hathaway, a seventeen-year-old girl who changed my life, who changed me. I started loving her and it was so difficult to hide my feelings. When she was with me, I always wanted to take her in my arms and kiss her so passionately. She always made me lose control. And now her life was at stake, even the thought of losing her was making me go crazy.

Then I knew what I had to do, I had to save her. and here we were. Me, Alberta, Janine, lissa, and some other guardians in the other car, well these guardians were kind of weird. They had these uniforms which were not what a normal guardian wears, they were all black with a little sign of 'm' on their shirt pockets. I don't know whose guardians they are, Janine told me to take them. A lot of guardians died yesterday, so a lot of guardians from different places have been coming here to help, but these guardians are somehow different. Well, I'll ask Janine about them, later. Right now, we have to focus on saving my Roza.

"So, what's the plan, Belikov?" Janine asked me.

"Okay Vasilisa, can you talk to her right now through the bond?"

"No, I cannot really feel her right now." Lissa said.

"What...what do you mean you cannot feel her? Is she-she alive?" Janine asked her, fear clearly visible in her eyes.

"Maybe she's just really weak right now, she told me the strigoi were torturing her. I think that's what is making the bond connection weak." Lissa said, it was more like she was convincing herself.

We didn't say anything after that, everyone was dissolved in their own thoughts. After around twenty-five minutes we reached the place near the caves. We cannot really take our cars to the cave because strigoi's have amazing hearing and they will know when we're there. So, we cannot risk that. We all gathered around our car to discuss how we're gonna do this. It was Janine who spoke, definitely considering the part that she must have done this earlier.

"Okay now, me, Guardian Belikov, Alberta, and you three will be going inside," she said pointing towards those new guardians. "Princess Vasilisa and you two will stay here and guard her."

"We know there are ancient vampires there, so we have to be careful." It was Alberta who said that.

Then we six started walking towards the cave, after ten minutes we were there, standing in front of the cave where my Roza was. 

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