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Hey guys!!! This is my first story and I am really excited about it. Basically the first chapter and half of the second one is kind of a recap of what happened in the book, then after that is my story.  I hope you all love my story and enjoy the adventures with Rose and her friends.

People say, "Dream without fear and love without limit". My life is way complicated to live by that quote because I am in love with my mentor who is seven years older than me, is an amazing guardian who is also known as a god and is the hottest thing on this planet for sure, Dimitri Belikov, six feet seven-inch Russian with shoulder-length brown hair, brown chocolate eyes and a long, lean yet very muscular physique. He is quiet, the soldier-like man who at first appears stoic. His emotions can be very hard to read most of the time.

Let me give you guys a quick summary of my life. My name is Rose Hathaway and I am a dhampir, our life is all about protecting the moroi. We live by the quote 'they come first'.

I am the daughter of Janine Hathaway who is one of the most feared and respected guardians in our world. She is an amazing guardian but a terrible mother. She left me to the academy when I was four years old and never visited or called me because, for her, her duty is more important than her own daughter. When I was in Spokane and killed that two strigoi's she was there to comfort me, I guess that was one step to being a good mother but we are still way behind in the mother-daughter bond path.

My best friend is a royal moroi and the last of the Dragomir line, Vasilisa Sabina Rhea Dragomir, we call her lissa. And unlike most moroi who can do magic from one of the four elements earth, fire, air, and water, Lissa is extremely skilled in a different element which is Spirit. So basically, lissa can heal other people, see their auras, compel them, and can also get hurt because of the spirit's darkness, well I can take that darkness from her so it doesn't hurt her. The first time lissa used her spirit magic without even being aware of it was during the car crash in which she lost her parents and her brother, I also kind of died in that car crash but lissa brought me back from the dead and from that moment I became shadow-kissed to her. Being shadow-kissed means I can feel what lissa is feeling I can even be in her mind well that allows me to see through her eyes and feel what she feels, It's kind of weird but in our life, 'weird' doesn't begin to cover it.

Lissa is currently dating another royal moroi Christian Ozera, he is not really from a very respected family because his parents turned strigoi by choice, which is considered as the worst crime anyone can commit in our world. In his family right now, he just has his aunt with whom he is very close who is Natasha, or Tasha Ozera.

Tasha Ozera is a nice, beautiful lady, she has a scar on her face because of the strigoi attack from Christian's parents but she still looks beautiful with her black straight hair and blue eyes same as Christian's. The only thing which I don't like about her is that she is kind of in love with Dimitri, My Russian god and she even asked him for being her guardian with benefits (like he can be her guardian and can even have a relationship with her). This was a pretty good offer for a guardian but Dimitri rejected it because he was in love with me.

After that our life was pretty normal, Dimitri and I never talked about that and were still being professional. I didn't know if he still felt the same way about me until today when I almost lost my sanity and Dimitri brought me back from the edge of the spirit darkness and then we had an amazing night in the cabin just outside the school. We both confessed our love for each other and made love. One of the best nights of my life.

Then we were both returning to the campus holding hands, when I felt it, the nausea which means there were strigoi nearby.

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