Part 7

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Xiumin's POV

As soon as Baekhyun cleared him from medical, Xiumin set off to find Suho. He knew he should've told him everything on the phone, but he had wanted to get out of that situation before more of those snakes showed up. Xiumin had been having a hard time seeing straight and Lay had been going in and out of consciousness, so if the Baem had decided to circle back and off them, they would've been royally screwed.

Luckily, neither of them were in super rough shape. A couple of broken bones, but nothing they hadn't dealt with before.

As he slowly made his way through the house to Suho's office, he replayed everything in his mind on a loop. The situation with you had become slightly more complicated, and Suho and Xiumin needed to talk it through.

Once he got to the office, he knocked on the wooden door and heard Suho's gruff "come in" before he pushed the door open. He looked at his best friend, who was sitting at his desk with his head in his hands. A little glass of Soju sat beside his arm, and the man looked exhausted. When he looked up and saw Xiumin, he leaned back into his chair and gave him a once over.

"How are you?"

"Living and breathing like always."

"Baek finally let you out?"

Xiumin smiled as he walked over to one of the two chairs in front of Suho's desk. "You know how he is. He wants to make sure we're 100% and that we won't die if he's not in the room."

A small smile graced Suho's face before he wiped it off. "What happened, Min?"

Xiumin lowered himself into one of the chairs with his good hand before meeting his best friend's eyes. "They must've been waiting for us outside of the store. We noticed the Escalade that was following us, and we planned for the normal maneuver. What we didn't plan for was the fucking minivan to be more Baem soldiers."

Suho blinked before saying, "Do not tell me you were run off the road by a fucking minivan."

"Of course not. Give us some fucking credit." Xiumin scoffed before continuing his story. "I don't know exactly what happened since I was watching the Escalade, but bottom line, we got boxed in and then driven off the road."

"What was the point in all of this?" Suho asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"They're toying with us."

"How do you figure?"

"Because they left a message," Xiumin told him, meeting his stare.

Suho sat up in his chair, eyes sharpening. "You said there wasn't a message."

"I wanted to get the fuck out of there. The message could wait. The reason I know they're messing with us is because we're still alive. Think about it, how would you leave your enemy a message?"

"I'd carve it into their dead bodies," Suho replied, with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Exactly. You wouldn't have multiple men purposely leave two injured soldiers alive to 'pass along' a message unless you were having fun, especially if one of those men happened to be the boss's second."

Suho sat still for a second, considering what Xiumin had said, before mumbling "son of a bitch", and grabbing the glass of liquid at his arm, downing it all in one gulp. Once he finished, he set the glass down and took a deep breath before looking back at Xiumin. "What was the message?"

"...That we should ask the Elders who she is, and once they tell us, we'll probably drop her off at their doorstep."

Suho was quiet for another moment, his eyes searching Xiumin's to see if he was serious.

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