Part 5

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The man standing in front of you was giving off a feral aura. His hands clenched into fists at his sides, and his cold glare felt like it was penetrating your skull. He even went as far as to bare his teeth at you. This man was the definition of wild animal.

You slowly back away from him, almost like if you moved any faster, it would cause him to attack. When he shuts the bedroom door and looks back at you, fear washes over you. You were now shut in your room, and the only way out was through the man who has wanted you dead since he first laid eyes on you.

When he had opened your door, you could tell he was already pissed off, but when he heard you say Yixing's name... that was what had really set him off.

As he edged closer to you, you shifted back, maintaining as much distance between the two of you as you could. Heart pounding in your chest, you loosen your hands at your sides, not only to appear less aggressive; but in case you needed to quickly defend yourself. Why was he here? What did he want?

"Let's chat."

You lift your chin up in an act of defiance. He probably knew you were scared. Could see your body trembling even at a distance, but you'd be damned if you went down without a fight.

"About what?" You ask, surprised by the amount of strength you heard in your voice.

It was a point for you, but you stifled any celebration when he curled his lip in annoyance. His eyes glinting dangerously as he zeroed them in on you.

"I want to know what you plan on doing here. Somehow, you've managed to convince three of my brothers that you're innocent, but I think that's bullshit. I don't know what you're fucking saying to them, but if I find out that you're working with the Baem, I will rip you apart with my bare hands. If you do anything that ends up hurting someone I care about, I'll make you wish that I killed you."

His words shook you to your core, and you had no doubt this man would go through with everything he said. You almost wanted to reassure him that you weren't here to cause them any harm, but it annoyed you that you even felt that way. Fuck him. You didn't even want to be here in the first place, and a small part of you wanted to throw that in his face, but you had to remind yourself that this was your only real option at this point.

Before you can say anything, your door swings open, pulling both of your attention to it. Loey walks into your room, confusion settling on his features, causing Saja to straighten up from his offensive stance. Loey stops in the doorway and looks between the two of you with clear suspicion in his eyes before his eyes settle on his friend.

"Saja, what're you doing in here?"

The man, who had just been threatening your life, looks down and smiles at you like the two of you were best friends. "Oh, Nari and I were just talking."

Surprise causes you to stare up at him with wide eyes. What a slick little fucker, you think, before turning back to Loey, hoping he would see through the bullshit. The look on Loey's face told you that he didn't believe him at all, and when he glances at you and notices your expression, his eyebrows drawdown. Looking back at Saja, he pushes the door open the rest of the way and inclines his head toward the hallway.

"Let's talk out here."

The man beside you meets Loey's stare before nodding and walking out the door. He doesn't even give you a backward glance, which was perfectly fine with you. However, Loey does look back at you before following him out and shutting the door behind them. You sag with relief now that the air was free of tension, and before you could help yourself, you sneak over to the door to listen to them.

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