Part 13

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In the following days, the EXO members kept whatever plans they made away from you. Nobody would speak about it, and, not that you were particularly dying to know the specifics, you were still insanely curious... What went into capturing a rival gang member?

You quickly learned to give up on asking, because you knew you weren't going to get anywhere with it and decided to spend your time bugging Jongin who was bedridden. All of you were thankful when he started acting like his normal self again. His color had returned, as well as his appetite and his urge to move around. He argued with Baekhyun and Yixing about being able to leave his bed so often that the two only visited him when they had to.

Life had seemed to go back to as normal as it could be while being in a house with a mafia gang, and it had been a nice and quiet week.

That was until earlier when you saw Xiumin and D.O. dragging an unfamiliar, unconscious male down a flight of stairs that you weren't allowed to go down.

The day had started like any other. You had grabbed some breakfast and wandered towards the living room, but before you could sit down, you heard a thump come from the hallway. Curious, you turned back toward the hall and poked your head out, just in time for the two of them to walk by with the man.

Your mouth fell open because that had been the last thing you expected at that moment, and it had caught the pair's attention. D.O. looked from you to the man and back, then flashed you a quick smile. "He'll be fine", he said as they dragged him toward the stairway. All you could do was stare after them dumbfounded until you had finally snapped out of it.

The whole rest of your day had been thrown off from the knowledge that there was a Baem member downstairs, and he was probably getting the shit beat out of him. You had tried to distract yourself and so had some of the guys, but it didn't work. You found yourself becoming more and more curious about what Sehun and Xiumin, who had to step into Jongin's place, were doing. Which is probably what had led you to the door at the top of the stairs.

You had been standing there, listening to the horrible sounds and screams, long enough to become disgusted with yourself, but you couldn't turn away, no matter how much you wanted to.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

Chanyeol's voice snapped you out of the trance-like state you had been in, and you turned to see him jogging over to you. He didn't look angry at you being there, just confused and a little worried.

"Um... I don't... really have a good answer for that."

Chanyeol now wore the same dumbfounded look that had graced your face earlier, but it was wiped away the moment you both heard, "Please, please don't, please don't", followed by an unpleasant scream.

Chanyeol grabbed your arm with a harsh grip and yanked you down the hallway. There was no point in attempting to fight him because he was way stronger than you and incredibly determined to get you out of there. Besides, your mind was still back at that door, listening to the man's horrified screams.

Chanyeol whirled on you the second you reached the living room.

"What the hell was that, Y/N?! Why are you standing there listening to that?"

"They're down there torturing somebody!"

Chanyeol flung his arms in the air with a "no shit" look and shouted, "Exactly!"

Sighing frustratedly, you lean against the back of the couch and fold your arms. "At first, I was curious... I wanted to know what they were doing... But I also wanted to hear his answers. Why am I in the middle of this shit? Why are they after me? Chanyeol... I need to know the answers."

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