Part 4

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"Come on."

Your eyes trail down to Lay's outstretched hand, as he beckons you to follow him. Listening to the men around you stand up in a rush of pushed back chairs and the clanking of dropped silverware on plates, you shake your head no. There was no way in hell you were going anywhere. It's time? It's time for what? For them to get rid of you? To take you somewhere else? You grip the edge of the table harshly, attempting to prevent them from moving you out of your seat. Uh-uh. Nope. They were gonna have to pry your dead hands off this table before you went anywhere.

As the men trickle out of the kitchen one by one, one of them walks by you and smiles at your current state, making you grip the table harder. Glancing back up at Lay, you put some strength behind your words.

"I'm not going anywhere."

Lay furrows his eyebrows at your tone and takes in your clenched fingers and wide eyes with confusion. On his way out of the kitchen, Kai leans towards Lay and says something to him, but it was spoken too quietly for you to hear. Lay stares after him a moment and then glances back at you, understanding dawning in his eyes.

"I'm taking you to your room, not with them."

Oh... You lean back from your hunched over position and slowly let go of the death grip you have on the table. Looking down at your hands, you frown. They would've pulled you off that table in two seconds flat. It wasn't like there was even a ledge to hang on to. Not to mention that every guy walked past you on their way out, and most of them barely spared you a glance.

Sighing, you rub your forehead, knowing you were going to lose any shred of sanity you had before this bullshit ended. You pull your hand away from your forehead and place it in Lay's waiting hand, allowing him to pull you up from the chair and out of the kitchen. Neither of you saying a word as you make the trek back to your room.

When the two of you arrive at your door, Lay pushes it open and looks at you, waiting for you to move, but you stay still. Curiosity getting the better of you.

"Where are they going?"

"Not anywhere you need to worry about."

"Are you going with them?"

He hesitates before answering. "No. Chen and I will stay here."

You nod, even though you didn't know which one Chen was. When you walk past him into the room, you figure that was the end of the conversation until you heard Lay say, "Don't try to escape. I really don't want to hurt you..."

His words cause a frown to grow on your face. Escaping wasn't something you thought much about anymore. After thinking it through, you realized that leaving this place might be the worst option. If you did escape, not only would you be running from human traffickers, but EXO as well. While you knew of ways to hide, you had no doubt in their abilities to find you and hurt you. Plus, you had no idea why that other group was after you. If it was connected to your past, if they were connected to your past, then it might be safer to stay here with EXO...

But what would happen to you after the Baem situation was solved? You doubted these men would let you go after this...

A few hours passed, and you were bored out of your ever-loving mind. You didn't know how much longer you could handle being locked in this room. The blandness of it was enough to drive you mad on its own, let alone the lack of, well, everything. Maybe you should ask Lay to bring you a couple of books or something. There was no television, radio, and your window gave you a beautiful view of trees that grew boring rather quickly.

Were they back yet? Did they go do something to the Baem?

You couldn't hear much of anything while you were inside this room. It was the last room at the end of a long hallway, and nobody ever hung out up here. Regardless, you stood up from the bed and walked over to the door. Maybe you could hear something through the crack? Sighing, you flop down on the ground by the door, feeling hopelessly desperate. If you didn't hear anything the first 30 times, you doubted you would now.

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