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After the death of Minseok's father, the Elders helped clean up and stuck around to reassure Junmyeon of their loyalty.

Many were surprised and shocked to the core over the betrayal and truths that were revealed, and a small part of you was comforted by it, even though you knew they could be hiding their true feelings.

In the midst of the Elders leaving, Baekhyun and Jongdae came back into the meeting room, both sporting a brand new outfit and blank faces. You were standing right next to your brother when they told him Janghoon had been taken care of.

That was it. It was over.

All of the Elders that plotted against or hurt your family were dead. Your mother and father's deaths were avenged.

You felt your brother pull you toward him by your shoulders, and you willingly went to his embrace. The two of you clung tightly to each other in relief.

"We did it." He says while smoothing your hair back. "We did it for them."

All you could do was nod and stare at the wall behind him because you weren't sure words had found you yet.

When this moment came, you thought you would cry, but you didn't. Maybe you were numb or in some sort of shock, and it just hadn't hit you yet...

You held onto your brother for another minute or so before pulling away and looking at the three EXO members who were patiently waiting for you to collect your thoughts.

You hadn't seen Minseok or Jongin since they both left the room, and you were worried about them. How was Minseok holding up after the death of his father? How was Jongin doing after killing his long time friend's last parent?

You ask Baekhyun and Jongdae if they had seen either man on their way back, and they both shake their heads in confusion. You could see the questions on their faces. Minseok was obvious, but what could be wrong with Jongin?

Yixing quietly informs the men of what had taken place after they left, and each man was as shocked as the rest of you. Actually, you think that's the most amount of emotion you've seen on Jongdae's face since Kyungsoo passed.

"What the actual fuck?" Baekhyun asks, causing your brother to shrug his shoulders.

"It's what he wanted... Jongin was determined to not let anyone else do it."

"We've done some pretty fucked up shit, but this is... wow."

The guys murmur in agreement with Jongdae before Junmyeon announces that he's going to go find Minseok, Yixing mentions something about Jongin, and Jongdae just turns and leaves without a word.

Everything felt different, yet it all felt the same... You were relieved that the Elders were taken care of, but you weren't satisfied. You still felt off. Unfinished.

You wander over to their meeting table and sink into a seat, almost not even realizing that Baekhyun was still there until he pulls out the chair next to you and sits down.

"How're you feeling?"

"I'll get back to you when I figure it out myself."

You didn't even look up at him, but you could almost feel a small nod coming from him.

"It didn't give you the peace you hoped it would, did it?" He quietly asks.

You freeze because that was exactly it. A part of you had hoped that after the Elders were taken care of, you would feel like you got revenge for your parents, but you didn't. Maybe you never would either. Maybe when they were taken from you, they cemented a hole that would always feel empty... Or maybe... maybe once you felt like you finished the job, you would feel more at peace. Maybe once the Baem were wiped out you could move on.

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