10 pt 2

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(Thankyou so much for all the likes and votes!!!! I'm sorry I've been so busy lately but I try my best to update when I can! Pls like, comment, vote, and share with your friends!)

Xia sits in the cold water thinking about earlier with Lan Zhan.

>>>Flashback to 6 hours earlier<<<

He held her so gently in arms that she almost forgot about her aching back.

Her eyes stared worriedly at him.

"You're hurt too, Lan Zhan."

Her voice sounds soft and strained, making Xia inwardly cringe.

Wangji's eyes widened, not expecting for her to be concerned with his current state.

But just as fast, he was back to showing no emotion, beginning to walk again.

"I can endure it. You, however, are much weaker and need rest."

'Ouch, he really does tell it like it is.' Xia thinks with a deadpanned expression then sighs, knowing she wouldn't be able to convince the male to put her down.

After an awkward silence, Xia speaks up shyly.

"O-oh, I wanted to thank you...." she paused for a moment before continuing, "for saving me a week ago..."

She looks away, flustered, missing Lan Zhan'z cheeks turn pink.

"S-so, um...I guess I owe you one then." God, it's so awkward talking to him!

"Owe me one?"

"Well...for saving me? I figure that I can at least give you something in return."

"No need."

She huffs with a pout on her face.

"You're so stubborn bro. Let me be nice to you."

He blinks, once again confused by her informal speech. Instead of giving her a straightforward answer, he just changes the subject.

"When the sun sets, we will go heal your wounds."


(Owo not me fangirling after writing this part hehe)

Xia sighs.

'I've totally forgotten what comes next. I think I zoned out on the beginning of episode 5 so maybe this is..'

Since she had no clue of the events, (figuring it probably wasn't very important), she was surprised that Wangji led her to a beautiful spring which he explained helped to soothe the inflammation and pain.

Blushing, she looks over her shoulder where ,behind the curtain of vines, Lan Zhan was on the other side. She could see his back was turned as well.A true gentleman indeed.

'I can't believe I'm technically bathing in the same waters as Lan Wangji! Gosh, that sounds really weird but like....LAN ZHAN IS BATHING BEYOND THESE VINES!'

She was so tempted to take a peak but she stopped herself.

'He might think i'm a pervert like A'xian ...but then again...screw it! I just need to see his abs!'

She grins and slowly moves closer to the vines and moves a few aside so she can see him clearly.

'His back muscles...I have been truly blessed today.'

Suddenly, she hears a familiar voice, followed by a loud splash into the water, making her slide back.

"W-wei Wuxian?" she whispers to herself, "What's he doing here?"

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