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A/N: I know it's been so long since I have updated, but I finally had time to get a new chapter in. Trust me, we'll be seeing moreof your fav characters again real soon! As always, thankyou for reading, following, and leaving comments! I appreciate it so much! enjoy ;) ♡♡♡

Xia follows Lady Royi into the Moon Lily house and into her throne room. The older woman turns to Xia.

"Are you from Wen Clan, childe?"

Xia shakes her head.
"No ma'am I come from the Jiang Clan of Yunmeng."

"Jiang Clan? That Jiang Fengmian is quite handsome."

Xia decides againts saying "I know right," and instead smiles thoughtfully"Master Fengmian is a very kind man."

"Yeah, and his wifes a bitch," interjects Lady Royi rather bluntly, but she smirks slightly" But I do admire her alot. She was a formidable opponent when we were younger, even against my Blue purity."

Xia's jaw drops.
'Did I just hear that right?'
Li Mu chuckles in her mind.
Well what do ya know.

Xia decides to play dumb.
"Blue purity? What is that?"

The older woman walks across the main hall and stands in front of a painting of a beautiful woman with long dark hair in layers of red and gold robes. "This woman, Wen Ruhua,was originally a disciple of the Liu Clan. This clan was like Wen, Jin, and Nie put together- extremely prideful, greedy, and dangerous- with a pinch of insanity. Ruhua was quite an aarogant young woman, and she was extremely proud of her clan. She was engaged to Wen Boqin, the great great grand son of Wen Mao.

While on a night hunt, she met a man named Hui Sanren, a man with eyes the color of the water, and a former disciple of Baoshan Sanren, the legendary cultivator of the celestial mountain. She had heard of him from rumors about his technique known as blue purity, which was rumored to give the user the power to, not only purify spirits, but also borrow the abilities of powerful spirits through a mutual contract. At first Hui refused to teach his technique to her, but he only agreed to do so if she intended to use it for good. Ruhua feigned innocence and agreed to the terms.She went through the intense training and meditation , and after a whole year,she was able to master the technique.Hui was impressed because she was the first person to be able to withstand his strict methods.

Somewhere along the way, Hui and Ruhua developed feelings for each other but Ruhua knew she could never stay with him. So she left Hui, even after he declared his love for her.

A few months later, Ruhua was in Nevernight and married to Wen Boqin. What people didnt know was that Ruhua had been keeping a shocking secret that she planned on taking to the grave. Fast forward to a few more months, and Ruhua was going into labor which resulted in the birth of a baby girl. A baby girl who strangly was born with ocean blue eyes."

Xia's eyes widened.
"Wait, but that would mean that-"

"Yes, the child was the product of an intimate night between Ruhua and Hui. Ruhua was determined to make sure that Wen Boqin would never find out about the childs true identity. She thought that only way to do so was one, to keep the child with her at all time, and 2, to make sure to never teach her about blue purity. What she didnt know, however, is that once blue purity is learned and mastered by at least one parent- it can be passed down to their offspring, and those offspring will naturally be able to activate it . Usually when a cultivator child is in danger,their body naturally activates the blue purity within their heart, which mixes into their golden core and channels throughout their body."

"So the baby was in danger? Didn't Ruhua keep her in the palace at all times?"

"She did, but when the little girl turned 5, an assassin was sent to try and kill her when her mother was asleep. The little girl was so frightened because she had never been in such danger before, but something within her ignited and her hands suddenly glowed blue, and her already blue eyes seemed brighter in the darkness. She had unlocked blue purity and was able to block the assassins blade from body long enough for Ruhua to arrive and stab the assassins body through their chest. Later, the girl would find out that the assassin was sent by her fathers 1st wife,  the woman who had given birth to her half older brother, Wen Rhoulan."

"Wait...so you're Wen Ruhua's daughter!" Xia exclaims and Lady Royi nods.

"When I learned of my true identity, everything felt like a lie. and for a long time I resented my mother. It wasnt until she fell ill that I learned why she didn't tell me anything. She wanted to protect me." Xia watches as Lady Royi places her hand on the painting for a moment before moving it back to her side.

"For years I have lived in this palace and protected my mother's secret , but for a few years now I have looked for information about my father. It has been difficult though, as noone in my own palace has gone beyond the Qishan Wen sect. "

Lady Royi turns to Xia.
"Do you know why I have brought you here,Jiang Xia?"

Xia shakes her head 'no'. She honestly had no clue why she was picked out of all the maids who had been there longer.

The woman smirks.
"Did you really think id just pick some random maid to come to my home? I have eyes and ears everywhere."

She steps closer.
"There is something that I am quite curious about. I have met Jiang Fengmian, and he does not seem to be the type rhat would let some unknown orphan study in Gusu, let alone have them participate in the cultivation conference, if he did not see some true potential in them. I have already heard of your involvement in the cave incident as well. Jiang Xia...you are not an ordinary childe. So who are you really? And why have you purposefully come here to Nevernight?"

Xia immeditely drops to her knees with a panicked look.
'I should have known she was suspicious of me! Li Mu, what should I do?'

For once the annoying spirit was quiet, so Xia had no choice but to carefully explain herself.

"F-forgive me Lady Royi.  I did willingly come to Nevernight, but only because I wanted to learn about myself.I have no idea who my parents are and I have only used spiritual energy ever since I was 14. And I truly did not know about my abilites until the cave incident."

Lady Royi looked down at the girl and could tell that she was being truthful.
"You came to Nevernight of all places to learn about yourself?"

" I was given a clue that there is a possibility that one of my parents was in the Wen Clan or has some amount of Wen blood." I dont think I should mention anything about Li Mu or blue purity just yet. I dont fully trust this lady.

Lady Royi nods.
"I see. Well how about this? If you help me find out the whereabouts of my father, I will do what I can to get some information about your parents."

"Wait but ...how exactly am I supposed to get information? I'm only a maid."

"Yes but you have a much higher rank now that you work for me. And with your rank come some benefits, one being that you are allowed to leave the palace to go on special missions for me."

'A special mission? ' thinks Xia with raised brows.'This is definitely not what I expected. Me on a solo mission. In my time, I dont think I even went to the store alone. But if doing this means I can find a way to save everyone and get back home, Im willing to do it.'

Despite her worries, she puts on a brave face.
"I'll do whatever you say, if it means I can get some information out of this....and eventually have get my freedom back."

Lady Royi smiles.
"Remember what I said before, that all the people who work for me have never been out of Nevernight, except you? I know you could easily leave here and never come back, but I trust you to do this for me."

She takes Xia to a place far off from the palace and into a mountain where there is a cave. Inside the cave, colorful crystals were on the walls. Xia looks around in awe as Lady Royi speaks again.

"The reason im looking for my father is because he is the only one who can help me bring back someone precious to me."

Xia looks at the older woman in confusion , but then her eyes fall on a pool of glowing water where something seems to be floating. When she looks closer,she gasps.

'T-That's...t-that's a body!'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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