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Xia blinks once, twice, before deactivating her Blue purity. When she opens her eyes, she is in her room again. 

'Hey! I wasn't done talking you little brat.' Li Mu grumbled from inside her head. 

"Stop calling me that, old man."

I am NOT old. I DIED when I was 25 😤

Xia smirks.

"Still older than me."

Want another headache?Like I was saying before you left, you need to go to Nevernight if you plan on doing anything to save your friends. 

Xia squints and crosses her arms.

"That's pretty old, and wait a minute. Why are you trying to help me anyway?" 

Let's just say that if you go to Nevermight, you'll learn something pretty important about yourself and I'll be able to finally get back at those bastards. It's a win-win.

Xia crosses her arms and smirks.

"Hmph! Of course, you're thinking about yourself in a time like this."

'Heh. Never said I was gonna be your helpful guide you little-'

A knock at her door makes Xia jump up in surprise.

'Crap! Hopefully, they didn't hear me talking!'

Li Mu snickers in her head.

'They'll only think you're crazy kekeke. Not that they don't already.'

"Shutup you!' She sneers before scurrying to the door. When she opens it, she is surprised to see Wei Wuxan.

"Eh? It's pretty late Wei Wuxian. What's wrong?"

Wei Wuxian shakes his head.

"Nothing wrong. I just wanna talk about something that's been on my mind."

Xia freezes.

On his mind...what could that possibly be?

She nods and smiles nervously.

"A-ah, Okay."


Xia and Wei Wuxian sit in silence on the pier overlooking the water. Xia looks at Wei Wuxian who seems to be lost in his own thoughts.

This is kind of awkward ...

Suddenly he looks her way with a curious expression.

"A'Xia ... who are you?"

Xia feels her body tense up. 

Where was this coming from suddenly?

She looks away nervously.

"What do you mean?" 

Wei Wuxian sighs, looking back off into the sky.

"Honestly I should have asked you more about yourself when I first met you, but I was too caught up in the moment. I wanted to give you time to open up ...but now ...but now weird things keep happening and you have this strange power and I-" he paused to catch his breath before continuing. "I just can't keep ignoring the feeling in my gut anymore." He turns his body towards her with an expression that is just too serious for a character- no- a person like Wei Wuxian.

"When you fell from the sky that day, you were wearing strange clothes and spoke weirdly. And yet, you knew my name. How's that?"

Xia looked down at her hands, suddenly feeling like she committed a crime and now it was time to confess.

Not From This World ( MDZS STORY BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now