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(Xia's new outfit-clouds instead instead of flowers and her hair is braided into two long pigtails that reach her shoulder blades)

(OMG DID YOU GUYS SEE THE TRAILER FOR THE NEXT SEASON!? I'm so anxious to get this book done and get on to book 2 (which will follow the new season!) Sorry for such a long wait! College is back in session for me so I can't write back to back 🥺Thankyou for all the reads and votes! Your kind words and feedback are what make me so happy to continue writing! ❤️❤️Please stay safe!)

⚠️Angsty Chapter Ahead !!⚠️

As they ran towards the growling noises, Wei Wuxian and Lan Xhan couldn't help but side glance at Xia.

One of the female disciples had brought her a clean outfit to replace the purple one she wore when she had arrived. Now she is all white hanfu with blue clouds that adorned the collar and belt, and white shoes to match. Not only did she look like a Lan disciple (minus the headband), she seemed to have a look of determination that made her look mature and beautiful.

Her look of determination, however, did not match her inner thoughts of possibly being eaten by a corpse.

'I'm not ready to die! I'm not ready to die! Who knew an ordinary highschool student that spent most of her time reading manhwas and eating steamed buns would be transported to a BL and become a cultivator! This is definitely something I will tell my grandkids if I survive!'

Suddenly, the sound of growling made the three teens turn around to see corpses running towards them.

Xia felt her stomach churn.

"Holy crap! There's so many!! I'm going to personally beat up the disciples who let them out!"

Wangji turned to the two with a calm face.

"We need to split up. Wei Wuxian and Xia, go left."

Xia looked at Lan Zhan worriedly. Sure he was an amazing fighter,but she still couldn't help but worry about his safety.

"Be careful, Wangji."

Lan Zhan looked at her briefly before nodding.

"You both as well," he says softly before running the opposite way.


Wei Wuxian and Xia are busy fighting the corpses that had followed behind them. Xia grabbed a branch and swung it hard enough to make them stumble back while Wei Wuxian did more hand to hand attacks.

Nothing they did seemed to stop the corpses so they found themselves out of breath and surrounded.

Suddenly,the corpses began to run at Wei Wuxian and Xia, who were too exhausted to dodge the attacks and received painful scratches.

Before a corpse could bite her arm, Wei Wuxian grabs Xia so they could run away.

Xia looks back with fear as the corpses gain on them. Wei Wuxian picks her up swiftly and proceeds to jump up onto a tree branch.

Wei Wuxian looks down at Xia.

"Are you hurt?" He says breathlessly, making Xia shake her head, even though her arms were sore and she was ready to collapse.

"N-no way, I'm feeling better than ever," she says just as out of breath but in a joking tone that makes Wei Wuxian smile slightly.

Suddenly, they could feel the tree begin to shake, and looking down they could see multiple corpses trying to get up to them and making the tree lean.

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