Quidditch: Ch.12

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This morning she woke up feeling excited, not knowing why till she questioned her sister. "What's going on today?"Hermione asked, 10 minutes after waking up. She was still in bed and Pansy had just walked into the room. "Today's the first ever quidditch match!"Pansy grinned. Hermione smiled lightly. She forgot their minds were connected, what ever Pansy felt Hermione would feel as well, same with How Hermione would feel. "Well come on then! I'm sure our players need a little visit from you" Pansy said before smirking. Hermione groaned. "I'll be down in half an hour"She said and Pansy nodded before leaving the room. Hermione got up and went to the bathroom, grabbing some clothes to change in to; a black long sleeved shirt with roses and jeans pants.

 Hermione got up and went to the bathroom, grabbing some clothes to change in to; a black long sleeved shirt with roses and jeans pants

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Heading down to the common room, she found it quite full. Walking up to her sister, who was sitting on the couch, she smiled shortly to the rest in the group. "So who're you cheering for Parkinson? The Gryffindorks or Slytherin?" Mark Quinn asked, leaning back into the couch he was sharing with Blaise, Draco and Theo. "I don't think it really matters does it?" Hermione said, sitting across from them, between Astoria and Pansy. "She's not a big fan of quidditch is she?" Carson McMillan questioned, he was standing beside the couch, leaning against the wall. "Clearly"Draco rolled his eyes. "I never was"Hermione shrugged. "Then why'd you come to all of our practices?" Blaise asked. "I'm gonna treat you guys how I treated the others, if you love something, do it, I'll go to the practices, I'll go to your games, it's just I couldn't care less about it" Hermione said. The people around her rolled their eyes. "You're way too considerate"Astoria told her before standing up. "Anyways, They've eaten but me and you haven't, lets go"Astoria added. Hermione stood up, walking out with her friend.

"We're more similar then you and Pansy"Astoria scoffed as they walked to the kitchens. "I'm not a big fan of quidditch, I just like flying. But I never told them, I thought they'd exclude me. But you literally just told them their world didn't matter, yes, they consider it their world. It's good, just not like they make it seem"Astoria explained. Hermione grinned. "You were scared to get excluded for not liking Quidditch, I was scared to get excluded for being too strict. You grew to like quidditch a bit, and I grew to relax a bit"Hermione said and Astoria grinned. "You don't know how glad I feel that we're friends. I finally have someone to relate to"Astoria said, wrapping her arm around Hermione's shoulders, bring her into a one sided hug.

Before they were even done eating, they heard people enter the kitchen. Glancing around, they barely had time to put down their food as they were dragged out by their arms. "Pansy I didn't finish my food!" Astoria snarled as she looked over at Hermione who almost choked on her food. "You're 3 minutes late! You've been eating for like half an hour"Pansy growled as they exited hogwarts.

By the time they'd made it to the stands, Gryffindor had 10 points. "What happened?"Pansy asked Nierra. "The Weasley Girl scored against Miles Bletchley"Nierra said. "Where were you?"Daphne questioned her sister. "I was having Breakfast" Astoria said, wondering why her sister sounded disapproving. "With her?"She snarled, nodding towards Hermione. 'That's why' Astoria rolled her eyes. "She's one of my closest friends Daphne" Astoria snapped. "Then you should make better friends! Anyone but her, just because she seems popular doesn't mean you have to be around her 24/7"Daphne barked. "Daphne, Shut the fuck up"Pansy snarled before turning her attention back to the game.

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