Changed: Ch.49

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"I have to go, I don't know what that Malfoy wants but he says it's urgent"Owen mumbled as he got dressed. Apparently Owen had to keep working for another 3 weeks till they could find someone to replace him, as Draco 'needed' two assistants. "It's 3am, He shouldn't be in office"Hermione mumbled. "All week he's been getting me to go to work at strange times, he's trying to make me loose my chance, and it's only been 2 weeks and I already want to set him on fire"He snarled. Hermione smiled at him. "He's gonna get much worse, but the best thing to do is keep the job till you're replaced"She told. He rolled his eyes. "I'll see you later then"He muttered before walking out the door.

Hermione didn't fall asleep after, she couldn't. She had two things on her mind. 1. She was annoyed with how Draco was treating him, especially during hours out of work. She wondered if he was doing it so Owen would get fed up and leave or he was doing it so they wouldn't spend time together. 2. She was beginning to experience feelings toward Owen, after taking Ginny's suggestion and actually trying to lime him more.

She stayed in bed for a couple hours, trying to sleep but giving up 3 hours in. She checked the clock and noticed she had 2 hours till work. 'Might as well get ready' She thought. She went to the bathroom and showered. Then she started on her hair, magically drying it before putting her hair up in a high ponytail, letting a few loose strands frame her face. She brushed her teeth and washed her face again. Hermione left the bathroom and got dressed, with half an hour remaining. She got some grey checkered pants and a black spaghetti strapped crop top. Over it she wore a white work blouse, and a black belt to go around her torso.

She left her room and headed out of the house

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She left her room and headed out of the house. She went down an alley, far enough so no one would see her before apparating to her old office. She didn't want to see Draco's face first thing in the morning so she'd always apparate there so she would get a break before seeing him. Today however, when she opened her eyes after apparating, she saw Draco sitting in one of the chairs. He leaned back, smirking at her. "Surprise"He muttered. "I can't get a break from you can I"She snarled under her breath, trying to walk to the door before he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. He stood up slowly, and pulled her close to him. "You look cute when you're annoyed, did you know?"He teased. Hermione glared at him. "My boyfriend has told many times"She snapped, stomping on his foot to get him to loosen his grip before pushing him away. "Leave me alone"She snarled, before storming out. The door closed behind her, Draco ran a hand through his hair, a smirk on his face. "She loves me"He muttered, walking towards the door to leave.

Hermione went to her shared office, but she was surprised to not see Owen around. She didn't question it but she was slightly worried, Draco never sent him away for too long. But he was usually out of office, doing things that were too far for Draco to do. That's what she was told and she understood it. She walked to her desk and sat down. Her desk was on the right side of the room, barely a meter away from the wall. In that small meter, Hermione's chair was there in the corner. It was the same thing on the left side of the room but for Draco, he was sure to have her across from him. Hermione pulled out her folders and got to work, not wanting him to have an excuse to talk to her. Draco entered the office, and instead of going over to his desk, he went over to Hermione. He waved his hand and the doors shut closed, and locked. She looked up and glared at him before getting up. "I don't care whether you're my boss or not, You don't get to come close to me whenever you feel like it. I am in a relationship, one that I am loyal too, something that you wouldn't understand, now leave. Me. ALONE!"She snapped. Hermione packed her things, putting it into her bag and leaving the office. She would do her work in the cafe away from him. She got a table for herself and sat down.

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