Problems: Ch.16

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The next day, The girls woke up quite early. "Come on, we're gonna go to Hogsmead!"Pansy announced to them. Hermione chuckled as she got out of bed. They got dressed and headed to the boys dorm to wake them up. Hermione picked out a grey woollen jumper and jeans.

They were surprised to hear so much noise coming from there

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They were surprised to hear so much noise coming from there. "It's bullshit!"They heard Draco yell. "Asking Mya to the ball is bullshit?"They heard Theo reply. "What?"Pansy said, turning to Hermione. The boys heard Pansy and turned to glare at them. "Bullshit?" Hermione questioned as she walked into the room, crossing her arms. "I thought you were joking! I thought we were going together!"He snapped. "Draco that's enough"Theo said. "Enough-"Draco scoffed. "Yes enough! We know you're doing it to prove a point, you gotta stop this whole bet thing!"Theo snarled. "Bet?"Hermione snapped before either of them could talk. "What bet?"She questioned. "It was so Stupid, Draco said he could make anyone fall in love with him and said you were as simple as any other girl"Theo told her. "I told him it would hurt you but he didn't care"He added. Hermione shifted her gaze to Draco. "Is that true"She asked. "No-"He said before Pansy interrupted. "I didn't want to tell you Mya, I knew it would hurt you"Pansy spoke, putting a hand on her sister's shoulder. "So I'm just a bet? I'm just a fucking bet?"She yelled. "Yes"Theo told her before Draco could speak. "You didn't think he would actually like you, right?"Daphne said, before laughing. "You did!"Tracey smirked. "Fuck you" Hermione snapped as she glared at Draco. "Why don't you add to her that you made a bet as well" Draco snarled at Theo. "Are you serious"She yelled. "Fuck all of you! I'm done with this"She snarled. She pushed away Pansy and the three other girls at the door before storming to her dorm. Draco shoved all of them out of the way, leaving the dorm, and the Slytherin common room.

"Why'd you tell her?"Astoria snapped at Theo. "And you just had to back him up?! You know she'll never trust any of them again!"Astoria snarled, glaring at Pansy. She left, going after Hermione as Blaise went to go get Draco. She didn't bother knocking, opening the door and seeing Hermione on the ground, against the wall. "Mya-"She said but she was interrupted. "Did you know too? Am I also a bet to all of you? Did you all bet that you could earn my trust and break it?"She snapped. "Yes I knew but I also knew you would get hurt"Astoria said to her as she crouched down beside her. "It's all a game, I'm just a game to all of you"She mumbled as she covered her face with her hands. "You know we care Mya, why else would we have let you into our friend group? You know how picky we are, we don't just let anyone get near us"She said. Hermione didn't reply, and Astoria continued. "I'm sure their feelings are genuine Mya" Astoria told her. "Everyone can fake their feelings Astoria"Hermione snapped. "You know what, I need a little break from all this"She muttered as she stood. "Where're you going?"Astoria asked, standing up as well. Hermione didn't answer as she went to the bathroom to glance at the mirror. Returning back to the room a few Minutes later, she grabbed her coat and put it on. After she secured the coat around her she put on her boots before walking past Astoria. While she was heading out to the common room, she heard Pansy call her. "Mya, wait, just listen" Pansy said as she walked up to her. "I'm not listening to shit, you could just simply lie to me again, and take Theo's side so you can win the bet with Astoria and Nierra"Hermione snapped. "I wouldn't-"Pansy began but Hermione turned on her heel and walked away, out of the common room.

Blaise stared from afar, not knowing whether to approach the blonde or not. He knew he could've stopped Theo if he tried a little harder but he didn't know if the guy would listen. Theo was more jealous of Draco then anyone, he was jealous of how popular Draco was, of how many loved him, of everything. He began walking toward Draco, watching as he chucked rocks at the frozen lake. It's been about ten minutes since the fight and Draco hadn't seemed to calm down. "'Oh we wouldn't ever fight over a girl, bros before hoes'"He heard Draco mutter as he threw another rock. "Theo's just out of it mate"Blaise told him, standing by his side. "He didn't have to mention the fucking bet, he already got her to agree with him, and now they're going to the fucking ball together"Draco snapped. "You really think Mya would go to the ball with Theo after finding out all this? Not only did she find out that he was apart of the bet, but she also found out how low Theodore would go. He sold out his best mate, since they were 11, just so he could go out on a dumb ass ball with a girl he's fancied for only a few months"Blaise said. Draco didn't answer, just chucking another rock at the lake. "I really like this girl Man"Draco Muttered and Blaise looked over at him. This was the first time Draco had ever actually told Blaise about his feelings. "I fucking like her!"He yelled loudly, throwing the biggest rock he had. The lake cracked completely, making a hole where the rock was. "If it weren't for Nott, I could've kissed her already, I could've went on a date with her, do you understand what's happening Zabini? This girl has my feelings in a knot, that bitch Mya, who I've only been on good terms with for 3-4 months, has ruined me. And I let it happen, because I've fallen in love with her"Draco continued loudly, glaring at Blaise. "That bet, I forgot all about it, I forgot that she could still hate me for everything I've done to her, I just can't bring my self to apologize because she wouldn't forgive me, I wouldn't forgive me"He snapped. "Well ask her"Blaise said simply. "What?"He snarled. "She heard everything, ask her if she would forgive you"Blaise said as he nodded behind Draco. Draco never turned so fast, he only caught a glimpse of her before she began running off, not knowing what to do with the information she just heard. Not saying a word to his friend, he ran after her. "Mya!"He yelled after her. She ran quicker, terrified. Knowing the area well, Draco took a short cut that would allow him to get ahead of her.

She slowed down, walking slowly because she couldn't see him anymore. Hearing a branch crack behind her, she barely managed to turn before she was attacked the ground. "How much of that did you hear"He snapped at her, pinning her arms to the ground beneath her. His face was barely 2 inches away. He was straddling her waist, leaning a bit to make sure her wrists were strapped to the ground. "Get off!"She snarled, struggling to get her hands free. "Why the fuck did you follow us"He snapped. "I didn't know you were here"She said, twisting her wrists. "Why'd you stay then"He questioned. "You would do the same if you were in my position!"She snapped. "How much did you hear" He snarled. "Why does it matter to you?"She questioned. "Granger you better fucking tell me"He snapped, bringing his face dramatically close. She took a breath in, not daring to let it out. She didn't answer, her gaze shifting to his lips instead. 'What was happening'. "I wasn't a bet to you"She muttered. She could tell by what he said before, and how the way he looked at her that she wasn't. He didn't answer for a second before lowering his face down to hers, softly capturing her lips with his.

Safe to say, that was one of the best and most meaningful kisses either of them had ever had.

Blaise smirked, he had followed after to Draco after everything went quiet. The kiss lasted nearly a minute before Blaise thought he should go. Heading back to Hogwarts, he ran into Pansy. "Have you seen Mya? Where's Draco?"She questioned. He shook his head. "Draco wanted alone time, Mya didn't go outside so she's probably in the castle"He lied. "I just didn't want to lie to her anymore! That's why I took Theo's side! And to be honest, Theo is a much better influence"Pansy explained. "Much better influence? It's her life, not yours. You said yourself that He only wants to fuck her"Blaise snapped. She sighed and shook her head. "Just tell me if you run into her"Pansy said before walking away.

Draco didn't want to end the kiss but was a little annoyed when Hermione turned her head away, ending it. "What"He snapped, glaring down at her. "Did you forget that you're pressing my wrists into freezing cold snow?"She snarled. "And I can keep you like this if I want"He smirked, gripping her wrists tighter. "I need to go Malfoy"She snapped, twisting her wrists before managing to free them. She pushed him off quickly before getting up and running away. She didn't know how to feel; angry because he still betted on her? Confused because he admitted to Liking her? Suspicious because he could be lying? Or Embarrassed because she'd just kissed the guy who used her for a bet?

It was all too much.

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