Boxing Day: Ch.30

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Draco left the room hours before Hermione woke up. He stayed in his room a bit before deciding he wanted a drink. He was heading to the kitchen when he ran into dead Theodore Nott. "You know they don't like people roaming the Manor"Theo said plainly. Draco ignored him, walking past him and continuing on to the kitchen. Theo followed. "Malfoy just talk to me, I know I shouldn't have outed you or her but she was the bet and you know we take it seriously"Theo started. Draco glared at him as he opened the cabinet. "I got over that a long time ago Nott, I'm just waiting for you to take a move at her so I could beat the fuck out of you"Draco snarled, setting the bottle down on the counter roughly. "I don't care how much you want her, Stay away from Mya, she's mine"Draco snapped. "She's yours? I don't think she ever said that, you can't just claim what ever you want Malfoy"Theo Sneered. They argued for a good 3 minutes, in that time Hermione was getting dressed and was planning on heading to the kitchen.

She woke up a few hours after Draco left, giving her time to shower, do her hair and get ready before leaving. She went through her wardrobe and took out a cropped black high neck t-shirt and some beige high waisted sweats. She was still a bit uncomfortable of showing a lot of skin so the high waisted sweats would cover most of her stomach, only leaving an inch or two showing. She put her hair in a high ponytail, a few strands out to frame her face.

After checking to see if she got any mail, she headed down to the kitchen and heard arguing

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After checking to see if she got any mail, she headed down to the kitchen and heard arguing. She stepped in and the two immediately noticed her. After they glanced at each other, Draco walked over to her and grabbed her upper arm, pulling her into a harsh kiss. She knew why he was doing it infront of him, he was proving something to Theo. He pulled away, dropping his arm to her waist and she noticed him glare at the other boy. She didn't say anything. Just went over to the fridge and looked for something to drink. While she was crouched down, looking in the fridge, Draco handed her a cup of wine. "In the morning?"She questioned, standing up, taking the cup from him. "You're acting like you didn't drink everyday for 3 weeks"Draco rolled his eyes. She took a sip as she headed to the pantry to get a cookie. She knew that the two were still glaring at each other. Hermione heard them muttering before hearing her name. "Mya what would you call yourself in our relationship?"Draco questioned as he continued to glare at Theo. "Your girlfriend?"She said, confused. "Did you hear that? She said 'your', as in mine. Does that confirm it for you?"Draco snapped at him. "What're you fighting about?"Hermione asked, sitting on the bar stool beside the pantry, across the room from them. "I tried to apologize-"Theo began but Hermione already interrupted. "Wrong person"She muttered, taking a sip from her drink. "I was gonna talk to you"Theo said, taking a step towards her. Draco instantly reacted, punching him straight in the face, nearly causing Theo to fall over. "Stop!"She yelled, getting up quickly. Theo punched him back. Hermione tried to get them to stop, but only got pushed back herself.

"What is this nonsense!"Jenny shouted, her, Kevin, Lucius, and Narcissa rushing in. While The Fathers stopped them, Jenny and Narcissa turned to Hermione. "What's happening?"Jenny snapped. Hermione opened her mouth to explain but Draco spoke instead. "If this Bastard gets near her one more time, No ones gonna stop me from murdering him"Draco snarled, pushing him father off him. He went over to Hermione, grabbing her wrist and dragging her out of the kitchen. "Come on, get your face cleaned up"Jenny muttered as she instructed Theo to sit down and get his face healed by Poppy, who appeared immediately after Kevin called her. "What happened?"Narcissa asked. "Your fucking son, He's loaded with bullshit"Theo snapped. "Watch your tone"Lucius snarled. Theo scoffed, glaring out the window.

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