Step by step: Ch.45

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It took awhile but she found an exit, leading to the telephone phone booth. It wasn't guarded but she didn't want to take any chance. She muttered an invisibility spell before getting down quietly. She carefully stepped into the phone both and clicked the numbers that would allow her to exit the ministry. Though it was risky, she got out safely. She ran as far as she could, before apparating to her apartment. She ran to the kitchen, grabbing as much poly juice potions as she could before leaving. She apparated somewhere else, this time to the burrow. "Who's here! Mum,Dad!"She heard. She quickly put on the invisibility charm again, before she saw Bill, Percy, Charlie and Fleur enter the kitchen. "Fleur go check on Victoria, we'll take care of this"Bill told his wife. Hermione took off the charm, before falling into the charm behind her. "Hermione? Why're you here, what happened to the others"Charlie asked. "they've been captured, the ministry has been taken over, I barely got away"She muttered, her hands covering her face. "What'd you mean it's been taken over, it's barely been 2 hours since they left"Bill said. "There was people from the inside working with them"She told. She explained to them the whole thing. About her meeting with Theo, to Prosper being with them and then to finding out Draco was helping them. "What about everyone else, do you know where they are?"Percy asked. "I didn't have enough time, one second I was in a box and the next second everything blew up and I was running"She muttered. "We need to get as much people as possible"Charlie said.

"Wait, where's Kingsley and your parents, they didn't arrive, I don't think"She added. "Apparently Ginny sent them a patronus, they're hiding out"Bill explained. "We're gonna need to get their help"Percy told. So they formed a plan. There was only 20 people who they could trust to help them. They had to send letters as fast as they could, but since it wasn't safe, they had to send patronuses. After they were all sent, they had to wait. Everyone else was pacing in the living room while Hermione sat in Ginny's room, laying on the bed Hermione used when she slept over. She was thinking, lost in a train of thought. She was thinking about all her friends, they were all imprisoned because of her, if she had noticed that Theo was lying, she could've saved them. But her mind kept going back to Draco. 'How could he team up with the people who nearly killed him? How could he team up with people who had done so much harm?' She thought. 'He's a death eater, what did you expect, hurting people is in his nature' a voice in her head replied. Hermione had been so focused on everything else, that she completely forgot he was a death eater. "What did I expect"She mumbled.

The next day, people arrived began arriving. They discussed the plan with them and they were ready to go. First thing was to take the feather-like potions, along with invisibility suits. Then they would enter the ministry from the telephone booth. After that they would enter the vents and watch from above. They also had ear pieced walkie talkies, which were quieter and easier to hide. It came in the same of an earring, so if they were caught, they wouldn't be able to find out about it. Next thing was to find where everyone was, and then distract the rebellions so they could get the others away. "When will we go?"Rina asked. "Soon, we need everyone in their suits and you must drink the potion"Hermione said. One by one, they got ready and stood outside the burrow. "5 in each group, Rina, Daphne, Charlie and Ernie, you're with me"She told. She paired the rest up. "If you've been caught, say Red, if you found them say blue, if you're lost, say yellow. You must memorize them if we want this plan to succeed"Hermione added.

Soon enough, they were hiding in the vents of the ministry, clawing around and looking for the rest. They were above the bathroom now, where Hermione was last. "There's two ways, Charlie, Rina, you two go down their, Ernie and Daphne are coming with me"Hermione muttered to them. "Remember, if you see them, blue, got caught, red and lost is yellow"She said. They nodded before going. They went through the path and Hermione was about to cross another vent when she heard voices. "Stop"She mumbled, listening closely with the other two. "We've got leads of where the minister is, we sent people over to Godric's hollow"They heard. The 3 exchanged looks, their plan had worked. "Perfect, what about Mia? Have you found her yet?"Hermione heard. It was Theo. "We've guarded all the entrances, there's no way she left the ministry, she must be hiding somewhere. Would you like us to check the telephone booth?"Someone said. "No, she isn't that foolish to use it, she must've put a invisibility charm on, that's why we can't find her"Theo snapped. "We can question Draco if you like, she must've given him a hint of how she was going to leave"The person suggested. "I'll have a talk with drakey, you go to section four"Theo said. "You two follow her, I'll go after Nott"She muttered to them quietly. There was 2 reasons for sending them off. First one was that if she was caught, it Would be her fault for letting them go with her. Second one time was for personal reasons, if they talked anything private, she didn't want them to hear about it.

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