7 Months Later: Ch.47

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Hermione sat in her room, putting her work into files and ready to send them off. She looked out the window, debating whether or not if the weather was safe for her owl. "It's just a bit of rain , Momo won't die"Owen rolled his eyes, drying his hair out with a towel as he walked up behind her. "I'll just send it in myself, I'll save my day off for your birthday" Hermione said, getting out of her chair. "I have work today too, it starts in half an hour, so you better hurry"He told, kissing the top of her head. "I'll be down in 10"She muttered, watching him leave the room. She went to her closet and took out a grey knitted turtleneck shirt and black jeans, along with a black leather jacket.

 She went to her closet and took out a grey knitted turtleneck shirt and black jeans, along with a black leather jacket

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Hermione headed down to the first floor and saw Owen at the door, waiting. "No one would mind if you're late, but I'd get my last warning, so come on"He said, opening the door. They headed out and Hermione locked the doors magically. They got into the car as quick as they could, the rain coming down like needles "Hold on"She snapped. She looked into her bag and pulled out her planner. "I forgot they changed our time forward"She explained. "What do you mean?"He questioned. "We have 2 hours till work"She said. He groaned. "You couldn't have mentioned it sooner?"He asked. She smiled at him, and gave him a little shrug. "We'll go have breakfast then we'll head to your parents house"Owen said, driving away from their house. "They sent a letter yesterday when you were asleep; they wanted to know if you're gonna be able to go by today"He added.

They finished their Breakfast quickly, before pulling up to Parkinson Manor. "My parents might act a bit strange towards you, they've only known you for 2 weeks, so don't be surprised if they ask questions" Hermione told him, putting her hand on his. "Your sister threatened me last time I was here, and nearly killed me, I can deal with your parents"He rolled his eyes. They got out and headed towards the door. It automatically opened, letting them both walk in. Hermione heard talking in the dining room, so she walked over, opening the door a tiny bit but was surprised to see who was there. The Parkinsons, the Greengrasss', the Quinns, the Macmillans, the Zabinis, and the Malfoys were all gathered there. She didn't mind the rest but what she saw on the Malfoy side made her heart drop. Draco sat there, talking with Blaise across the table. She hadn't seen him in 7 months, and now he was sitting there. Before anyone could notice she was there, she pushed Owen back into the hall, following behind him. "You know how hard it was telling my parents I was in another relationship"She snapped and he nodded slowly. "Well I didn't exactly tell anyone but Pansy, My parents and Astoria. The rest are oblivious to our relationship and to your existence" She told. "Then I guess it's a good time to tell you that I haven't even told my siblings about you"He muttered. "We're both gonna get judged, so you're gonna have to act like an innocent angel around them till next week"She said. "I'm the only angel you can get"He scoffed, wrapping his arm her shoulders.

"Mistress Mia and Mr. Owen Rendel have Arrived"They heard a house elf say before the doors to the dining room opened. Hermione pushed him away as quick as she could, right before the doors were wide open. "Owen who?"Maria questioned. Hermione's face went bright red. "Can we have a word?"Hermione asked, looking at her parents directly. "Of course dear"Jenny said, smiling innocently. Her parents got up and were gonna lead her to another room before Hermione grabbed Pansy's arm and dragged her with them. "You didn't mention that everyone would be here"Owen said slowly. "Well we knew you weren't gonna tell them yourself so we decided to have everyone gather so we can surprise them"Jenny explained. "You don't understand! Now they'll think I was planning on hiding it for a long time! And what is he doing here!"Hermione snapped. "We told them that there was gonna be a surprise so don't worry, and Draco's punishment is over, it ended yesterday"Kevin said. Hermione covered her face with her hands. "Why don't you guys go introduce Owen to everyone and Me and Mia will follow after"Pansy suggested. "Owen's staying here"Hermione said immediately, grabbing his hand. "We'll make sure No one hurts him, I promise"Jenny smiled. Hermione glanced over at him and he nodded. She let go of his hand and watched her parents lead him out. "I told them it wasn't a good idea but you know how they are"Pansy sighed. Hermione looked at the door leading to the kitchen. "Let's go, before things get out of control"She said.

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