2 months Later: Ch.33

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"Come on Mya, we're gonna miss the morning feast!" Daphne groaned, knocking on the door. "Alright, alright, let me get out first"Hermione laughed, exiting the bathroom. "Astoria and Pansy went down already, you get dressed here and I'm taking the bathroom"Daphne told her before closing the door. Hermione went through her trunk, looking for something to wear. She got out a white turtleneck and denim blue jeans.

After getting dressed, the two headed down to the great hall

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After getting dressed, the two headed down to the great hall. It was still cold so they had to bring their jackets as well. Half way down, they ran into the rest, who were sitting on the ledges of the windows. "Took you long enough"Pansy scoffed as she stood. "Why aren't you at the feast?"Hermione asked. "Everyone there is being all lovey dovey and its gross"Astoria explained. "It's valentines day"Hermione raised an eye brow. "Which makes me question why you two aren't going on a date"Astoria scowled, pushing Draco playfully. "We went on a date 2 days ago"Draco rolled his eyes. "You guys are so boring"Blaise groaned. "If we went on a date everyday you'd complain, if we didn't, you'd still complain, what do you want us to do?"Hermione snapped. "It's Valentine's Day! You should be getting all dressed up and going on a fancy date"Pansy said, agreeing with Blaise and Astoria. "Yes but Ms.Mya doesn't have any fancy clothes" They heard behind them. Tracey Davis and Sally Smith. "Slutty clothes aren't exactly fancy either"Hermione snarled. Both of them were wearing skirts that barely covered half their thighs. They both rolled their eyes, before turning to the rest. "I'm sure you'd want a little break, my dorm's open till 10 tonight"Tracey said, winking at Draco. While they were walking away, Hermione tripped them both with a little wand less magic. "And the hospital wing is open 24/7"She grinned sarcastically. She turned, grabbing Draco's wrist and walking off, dragging him with her.

By the time she stopped walking (when she was outside the castle), she turned and saw Draco smirking. "What"She snapped. He wasn't looking directly at her, just looking at the trees, and not meeting her eye. She held his chin with her fingers and made him look at her. When she opened her mouth to speak, he leaned down and captured her lips with his. He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer. After Hermione pushed him back, he smirked at her once more. "Someone seems jealous"He taunted. She glared at him, which only made him chuckle. "You know I'd never take up that off she gave, and you don't have to lose your job as head girl for me"He said. She rolled her eyes. "Don't get upset little princess"He teased, the 'r' coming out sounding like a 'w' (pwincess), making her glare at him once more. "How about we meet up before everyone goes to lunch, and you open that gift under your pillow, and meet me out here"He suggested. "What gift?"She questioned. "You'll see it in a few hours"He grinned. She kept asking questions the whole way back to the great hall, and he answered none of them. He had to make sure she wouldn't enter the dorm for another 4 hours.

They sat down in the great hall with the rest, who kept looking at them suspiciously. "You two are so confusing" Astoria snapped. "What's happening?"Hermione asked. "Do you not see every other couple in here? They're all holding hands and being lovey dovey yet you two are acting like you couldn't care less about each other"Pansy said. "What do you want us to do?"Draco questioned. "I don't know- maybe show some affection!"Astoria snarled. "Affection huh" Hermione smirked, reaching for her spoon, which had pudding in it. She flung the pudding at him, before getting up quickly. "That's not what I was talking about!"Astoria groaned, as the rest were waiting for Draco's reaction. Hermione was standing a good 10 feet away from them, so she had a head start if she needed to run. The pudding had landed a bit over Draco's left eye, a bit in his hair. "Oh alright Granger"He mumbled as he stood, scooping up some cheese pie with his hand. She took at least 20 feet back before he could even take a step forward. He realized she was a bit far, so he turned to his other target: Astoria. When he let it fall on her head: he smirked as he watched her glare at him. "It's your fault my hair is full of pudding"He grinned. Astoria stood and grabbed her cup (that was filled with pumpkin juice), before dumping it on his hair. "Oops"She said, smirking slightly. While Draco was still processing what happened, Blaise got some whipped cream and had a swirl on top of the food mess on the blondes hair. "And a cherry"Pansy added, placing it at the top. Many people had looked over, their jaws dropped. "Can't forget the sprinkles"Hermione smirked, sprinkling some crushed up cereal on his hair. "Who knew Malfoy would be such a messy eater"Harry remarked, on the other side of the room.

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