Young!Kano x Young!reader

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School just ended a few weeks ago and (y/n) had done all she could do to ease her boredom. She had nothing left to do. She even decided to rearrange and clean her room a couple of times.

Now she was just using her imagination, to see figures in the sky.

"(Y/N) I heard that there are new kids who now live on this street" (y/N)'s mom says too her as her daughter sat near the window watching the clouds.

"Really? It's getting boring here mom. Can I go out and meet them?" (Y/n) asks her mother as she walked into the kitchen probably thinking of what to cook for dinner.

"Of course you can, just be back before dinner. Maybe you can ask them if they want to have dinner with us" she joked and smiled at the little girl. (Y/n) kissed her on the cheek and ran out the door.

"Wait.. I don't even know where these new kids live. Oh well, the park is always an option right?" (Y/n) whispered to herself walking to the direction of the peaceful place.

Her footsteps didn't make much noise, but to her it was as if there was a microphone in front of them. She didn't have many friends, they saw each other at school, and since it was summer she couldn't go to them because they lived in a different place. She was lonely.

The place was so, peaceful. It annoyed (y/n) because parks were supposed to be where the children would come to play, where children could laugh and goof around. But no, this park's only noise were the faint rustling of leaves of the tree in it's center and the birds chirping every once in a while.

(Y/N) had visited this park many times. She was already tired of sliding down the slide or going up the monkey bars. The swings were sad because there were two, for two people to sit on. (Y/N) was just one person, she couldn't play on the seesaw because she needed another person to be with her.

The only thing in the park that interested (y/n) was the tree in it's very center. It was a very old but strong tree. There were bricks around it, they were there so that the tree's roots would stay, but it hasn't done a very good job. The roots were over the bricks, some even sprouted from underneath the small wall of bricks.

She had attempted to climb up, but she hasn't been to the very top. She needed another person to help her with that.

The first branch was low enough for her to reach, and sturdy enough for her to climb up on. Having done this many times before (y/n) easily stood up on the first branch and climbed up onto the second one. Before she knew it she was on the fourth branch.

That's when she heard voices.

"Shuuya! Don't do that! Onee-chan will be mad at you!" A girl's voice shouted from below her.

"Tsubomi, nee-chan told us to have fun right? That's what I'm doing." The guy, whose name was probably Shuuya shouted back. 'Is it just me or this guy seems closer to where I am right now?' (Y/n) thought.

"I think there's another person here." A soft voice mumbled.

"What did Kousuke say Tsubomi?" The boy named Shuuya shouted.

"I didn't hear." A faint voice answered back, she was probably at the benches, which was a bit far from the tree.

(Y/n) heard and saw the leaves rustling and moving. The boy named Shuuya was climbing up the tree! That's why his voice seemed so close.

A hand appeared holding the branch that (y/n) was sitting on. Then another hand, a leg.

Then a face. "Hello there" the boy's face greeted.

"Hello? Are you the new kids my mom was talking about?" (Y/n) voiced out her thoughts.

"I guess so, yeah. Hey, uh, can you help me?" The boy asked, (y/n) nodded and reached out for one of his hands to help him up.

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