Kano x reader

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You were a new member of the Mekakushi Dan.

You had been there for a few weeks and the person who annoyed you most was.. Kano.

Sure Hibiya was also annoying calling you old. Konoha would always bother you for food. Shintaro never helped you, Kido gave you the creeps, Momo well she was an idol and you would humiliate yourself in front of her. Seto was a bit too kind, Mary well she was alright.

Next to Kano, number 2 on your annoying list was Ene, With the never ending teasing of you and Kano.

"Ene do you not see that we're enemies ?" You say as the Blue-haired girl teased you and Kano together.

"(Y/n)-chan don't be like that" Kano says putting his arm around your head. You annoyingly glare at him.

"(Y/n)-chan likes Kano-kun, isn't that true ?" Ene teases. The truth is, you did, just a tuny little bit.

"Ohh so (y/n)-chan does like me huh?" Kano says smirking.

You take Kano's hand off your shoulder and glare at him. He goes behind the phone that Ene was in.

"Ene-chan it's like we have another Kido!" He says stupidly putting the phone in front of his face.

"Haha Kano-kun is scared of little (y/n)-chan" she says, then she turns to face you. You give her the most annoyed glare you could do.

She shrieks "Kido-chan!! (Y/n)-chan is scary!!" she hid behind one of the apps on the phone.

"That's what you get for annoying her" Kido responses and throws a wooded spoon at the two.

It hits Kano's head making him drop the phone.

Kano rubs his head and Ene was not seen because the phone landed screen-first.

You storm off to your room and lock the door.

Why were those two always picking on you ? you thought.

You were tired so you lay down on your bed. You started to doze off.

------ meanwhile----

"Kano-kun, where is (y/n)-chan ?" Kido asks him.

He shrugs, she hits his head again "Baka! You might have offended her!" She tells him.

"Eh ? It was Ene!" He says defending himself. Offended her? he thought.

"Commander! He started it!" Ene whines.

"I did not !" He says. "Yes you did!" she answers back.

But befor Kano could reply Kido stops the both of them.

"Kano I know you started teasing and pranking her. You stay here and apologize." Kido orders Kano.

"But I don't even know where she is!" Kano protests.

"Look for her then" Kido says, after a few minutes, the Dan left.

"(y/n)-chan!" Kano shouts out you name.

He looks everywhere before realizing you must be in your room.

He knocks on the door "(Y/n)-chan ?" You are awakened by this.

"Go away Kano" you say. He is not going to get on your nerves again.

"(y/n)-chan I want to say sorry." Now that's a first, you thought.

"Oh really?" You say openning the door.

"Yes really. I'm sorry, I-I didn't know it would offend you." He says. Did he just stutter?

"Oh yeah ? What did you think your constant teasing would do?" You ask him.

He looked down.

'This is one of those rare moments that he's cute' you thought.

"I thought you would laugh. I-I like hearing your laugh (y/n)-chan" He said turning red.

You turn red to "Y-you d-do?" you ask

"Yeah, I do. I really really like you. A lot." He said.

You feel the blood rush to your cheeks.

The next thing you know, he held your face and brought it closer to his.

You feel his lips against yours. You look at him in shock. But you kiss him back.

When the kiss was over you look at him and say "I like you too"

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