Momo x Male!Reader

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"(Y/N)" you felt a poke to your shoulder

"(Y/N)" you felt a poke to your face

"(Y/N)" you felt a poke at your shoulder and your face

You turn around to face the poker, and find a famous face looking at you. Also the face of someone you had grown to like. 'It's just an infatuation' you have said to yourself more than once.

You had been in the group for a few months now and Momo was still as chatty and a bit annoying as ever.

"What do you want Momo?" you asked trying to sound bored.

"Ehh! (Y/N)-kun! Agree already! You have a great voice!" She said. She was asking you to sing at the stage later at her concert! Was she serious? There's no way you were!

"NO MOMO! I WILL NOT" you said to her, she had this disappointed pout on her face and you did your best to ignore it.

You opened the book that was in front of you. But when you checked from the corner of your eye, she was still pouting.

"Curse guilt" you muttered to yourself and turned to her. "Momo" her eyes brightened a bit and she stopped pouting.

"Yes (Y/N)-kun?" She responded.

"I'm not singing with you," you started, but her face fell a bit, "but if it makes you feel better, I'll go to your concert." She smiled at this.

"Okay (Y/N), but..." She says, "but what?" You say a bit scared. She excused herself for a moment and went to her room to get something.

Leaving your imagination to wonder, "does she want me to wear a butler outfit? A skirt? A dress? a maids outfit ?" Your thoughts were stopped when a door opened and closed.

You turned to the idol scared of what was going to happen. But you just saw her hold up a bright orange hoodie. It looked like it was glowing?

"Just promise me to wear this hoodie?" She told you and you reluctantly agreed, sensing she was up to something, but you just dismissed the thought thinking 'it could be worse'


You were at the entrance, Momo had given you a ticket for her concert, and you handed it to the ticket manager, this tough looking guy and he just tears your ticket apart and nods at you.

"Is this how concerts look like?" This was your first time so you were uncomfortable.

You shoved your hands into the pockets of the hoodie the idol had given you and walked to a spot in the concert area.

Word got out that the color of the dresses Momo was going to wear were pink, so most of her fans were going in that color. Some just wore casual. But in a sea of mostly pink, the color orange stood out.

You closed your eyes and heard cheering and screaming and opened my eyes. Oh look the idol of the hour was here.

She was in a pink dress and she started singing, you had to admit, you couldn't tear your eyes from her.

And it was not just because of her eye power. The song's lyrics just entered your ear and exited on the other, but the melody would be stuck in your head.

She went backstage, she came out in a different dress and sang a few songs.

This cycle repeated twice more, and when she went backstage she came out, in an orange dress.

The music didn't start yet so she said something into the microphone.

You didn't hear because you accidentally tuned her out

"..... That guy in orange!" 'Wait what?!' Everybody turned to you.

They pushed you to the stage.

"Momo! What are you doing?!" You silently whisper-scream to her "Just sing!" She told you with a smirk. And so you did.

When the song was finished she looked at you and hugged you. As she broke away from the hug she looked in your eyes, and kissed you!

Hundreds of people gasped when she did, you heard this, you had ears of course.

Before you could even process what was happening she tore away. Smiled at the audience, waved, then bowed. She grabbed your hand and took you backstage.

"Got to go (Y/N)-kun! I promised to sign and take pictures with a hundred lucky fans because I asked them to get you on stage!" She told you running away.

You stood there, red-faced, and put your hands on your face.

"... What... Just.... Happened?" You muttered walking away.


Extended Ending:



Fan 3: She did kiss that dude earlier though..

Fan 4: Yeah I envy him....I wish i was a guy.


You: *walking away didn't see them* *turns around*


You: *runs away* MOMO WHYYYY!!


I hope you like this >>~<< for @wisteria-anime :)

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