The Tale of Sad Kano

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Kano is 18 here, so are you. Shoot guys I'm so sorry, I seriously didn't know what to write. I'm sorry it took long..... I hope you guys like it tho

@YumiYumeko !! Here you go! I'm really sorry to keep you waiting....
Comment if you want to request :) and i'll do my best!

"Kano!! wait please!" She yelled, his voice echoing the streets. Chasing after a boy she knew she couldn't catch. But loved, so much.

The 18 year old boy has been through so much, and all he thought of was why, why him, why him with the life he's lived. The life he's still trying to live now.

The boy had loved her so much. Only to find her face against one of his friends, (random dude's name). 'Why can't anyone love me?' The boy thought. Ignoring the tears streaming down his face. He ran, as fast as he could.

Something in his heart began to hate this place, the place he used to call home. The place he loved so much. He loved the place, but his world was surrounded by hate. He hated the way couples and happy families would pass by him.

It was unfair. Why couldn't he have that? He hated her. He thought he could finally ignore the happiness and accept it because he could be happy now. But she only brought him more sadness.

Only realizing that he stopped running when he saw her, (y/n) (l/n) in front of him, looking very tired from chasing him.

"Kano! Kano! I can explain!" She said. Tears in her eyes. Kano almost forgave her, he would've, if he hadn't already hated her.

"There's no need to explain (y/n)." He said in a cold, emotionless tone. "I saw everything. I get it, you don't love me."

"Kano! That's not it! I love you!" It was obvious that she was crying and he sound of her knees hitting he ground was heard.

Something in Kano's heart yelled, 'forgive her!' But the rest, and his brain said they hated her.

"Well you loved me so much you cheated on me huh? Wow, you must love me a lot." Kano answered sarcasm in his voice loud and clear.

"I-" she started, but was only cut off by Kano. "You don't need to talk. I'm leaving this wretched place, I hate it. I hate, you" he said in a tone that showed anger and sadness. Placing his hands in his pockets he started walking away.

Footsteps were heard behind him, and he knew she had started running, Kano ran too. Not wanting his emotions to spill, or his feelings for her drag him back into this place. Entering the most crowded place there he lost her.

She watched as the boy with blonde hair disappeared in the crowd. Tears continued to fall down her face. He could have at least let her explain.

He forced her to kiss him. She didn't want to, but he was stronger than her. How did she get---- away? She saw Kano standing behind the person who kissed her. She saw the pain and hurt in his eyes. There she had the courage to hit back and run after him. She didn't want to lose him.

Unfortunately, that wish didn't come true

-----------7 years later-----------

"(Y/n)!" Shouted a familiar voice behind you. Turning around you saw (friend's name) running towards you.

"Oh hello (f/n). Long time no see." You replied in a serious tone. Which shocked your friend. Because you weren't really the serious type before.

"Would you like to have lunch with me tomorrow? I mean we haven't seen each other in person for like 8 years." Your friend asked. She sounded a bit nervous because you might turn her down.

Mekakucity/kagepro one-shots (requests closed) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя