Yandere!Kano x Reader

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So... This is the first time i will write a Yandere story :) i hope i do well you guys.

The rain was pouring hard and you were starving. Just last week you woke up in a old abandoned house which crumbled down. You only got scraps of food since you had no money and you were weak and tired.

You were in a dry place at last. Far from the street, but still noisy and cold. You fell on your knees, your head spinning and aching.

"Do I have a f-f-fev-ver?" You say to no one. Help me, you thought. Tears streamed down your face.

'Help me, please.' Your thoughts whispered again and again, hoping someone could hear you. 'Please' your last thought until everything was black.

But somewhere, not so far away, a boy in green had heard you,ever since you thought to ask for help the first time, and he told a boy with cat-like eyes about it. They both hurried to get you, not telling anyone else.

They found you after you blacked out.

"Will she be okay?" The cat-eyed boy asked.

"I'm not sure. Help me take her to the base." The one in green asked.

They took you to the base, where 8 people crowded around and helped.

You woke up screaming two days later, like one would wake up after a really terrible nightmare.

You look to your right to see the cat-eyed boy beside you.

"Good morning sleepy-head, I see you're awake sleeping-beauty" he said smiling.

"Who are you!? Why am I here!? I am not a sleeping beauty!" You say, you didn't even know this guy.

"Okay, sleeping-beauty, I will answer your questions." He said, smirking afterwards, it was as if he was expecting you to ask that, and he was happy you did.

You learned that you were in the base of the Mekakushi Dan, they were a group of people who had eye powers and take part in mischief sometimes. You were here because they found you unconscious and they took care of you. He saved his name for last.

"I'm," he paused for effect, "Shuuya Kano!" He said smiling at you. He told you about the other members, who were apparently out on a mission.

The girls were Kido, Mary, Momo, Ene (who was a cyber-girl). The boys were Seto, Shintaro, Hibiya, Konoha, and himself.

They arrived about an hour after you woke up. Kano named them for you.

"Kido" he said pointing at the green-haired girl who just passed through the door.
"Seto, the frog-like boy" he said pointing at the guy who came next. Who was in green.
"Mary" the girl with pretty white-hair. "Momo" the orange haired girl who was an idol, although you weren't really a fan.
"Shintaro" a guy in red. Kano pointed at the phone Shintaro was holding, where a girl was and said,"Ene"
"Hibiya" he said as a boy younger than all of them entered.
"Konoha" he said as a tall guy in white entered and closed the door.

"We are the Mekakushi Dan!" He said proudly. But the girl named Kido hit his head and turned to you.

"He told you about us didn't he?" You slowly nod and she sighed.

"I'm sorry, but you have to stay here. You know about us."

"Wait, we don't know your name." Kano asked you.

"I'm (y/n). Thank you for taking care of me, and I will stay here with you." You tell them and they welcomed you.

Weeks passed by and you became close to them. Especially cat boy, Kano.

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