Not "The End"

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Suddenly ahaan came from nowhere - "hello mother ...." and in a blink of an eye he ran as fast as the flash and stood in front of Jannet and said - "goodbye mother."

Before Janet could understand something Ahaan took out the dagger and stabbed it but it was not Jannet who got stabbed, it was Abaan. he came between and saved Jannet? but why?

Jannet widened her eyes and screamed that all the glasses near us got crack and shattered into pieces.

Ahaan looked shocked, he didn't understand what just happened, he fell on his knees.

" I am sorry" - ahaan cried.

Abaan -" don't"

Ahaan - "why you did this?"

"Why abaan?"Jannet grabbed his collar and cried-" you did this intentionally? You let me get defeated son."

"Defeat? What is she talking about?" I tried to crawl towards abaan, my tears were unstoppable.

"Uhh...." Abaan gave a weak smile and continued - "she is not crying because I am dying, she is crying because I saved you both and left her to doom."

"Wh..what? What do ..mean?" Ahaan stumbled.

"You couldn't kill her in her true form brother. so, I came in between to save you and now you stabbed me so all my powers are yours now, you killed your kind, so you are the new king."Abaan smiled softly." congrats little brother, now be a good king."

" I don't want to be .please brother..."ahaan cried.

"That was my plan, that was my plan" Jannet kept repeating the sentence.

We all looked at her.

Suddenly abaan called our names- "dhani,ahaan have good lives. be like our father ahaan, be a good king....." before he could complete his sentence his body turned into ashes, and ahaan was left with just the ashes on his hands.

"No......"ahaan cried hard." Noooo....No....come back."

My heart stopped beating. I was shocked, tears were continuously falling from my eyes. I got a voiceless.

"That was my plan...that was my plan..."Jannet kept repeating... "What was your plan?" Ahaan yelled so loud that I got scared and look at him. he now stood in full rage, there was blood in his eyes, he no longer was looking like that old flirty ahaan, he was looking so different like he was someone else.his hand was still burnt because of the dagger.

He stepped towards Jannet and yelled again - "what plan? " Even his voice sounded so powerful.

Jannet looked at him with fear in her eyes.

"I planned to kill you both with a dagger and be a....." Jannet Mumbled.
And be the most powerful queen? haahh.......... ?" Ahaan said twisting his mouth.

"You bitch......" ahaan shouted.

"Ahaan...I am your mother." Jannet said hesitantly.

"Mother...??" Ahaan tilted his head one side while looking at her and laughed so hard that the whole hall echoed with his laughter. he was sounding evil...

Suddenly he stopped between his evil laugh and ordered -" kneel down."

"What?" I gasped.

Jannet looked at him with her puppy eyes.

"I said bow. "Ahaan repeated.

She did as he said.

And ahaan suddenly opened his long, lustful feathery wings which were beautiful. his long, strong horns came out from his forehead. his lean muscles turned into beast muscles. he was looking different but the same as his mother "bloodless but full of powers."

Unconsciously I uttered -" No.."

He turned towards me - "you are free now. Go back to your world dhani."

"Go back? and what about you?" I cried - "what about us."

"There is no us dhani. I am going back to the darks where we belong." he came close and continued - "you are a strong girl brave and live your life happily. there is noooo uncle aunt to harass you" - he chuckled slightly. "Now I have a great responsibility I need to change many things."

" am not going anywhere. come with me or I am coming with you," I said with tears in my eyes.

"Noo this is not possible. our worlds are different. I can't come with you because I am not living and you can't come because you are not dead." He stated.

"Yet..dead not yet. I am ready to die to be with you. there is nothing left in this world for me. take me with you." I said courageously.

He rubbed his palms on my face, wiped the tears, and said "there are a lot dhani, think of as your new life. think I want this for you please dhani..for me...."

"No. I screamed stubbornly.

"I said no... "Ahaan got back into his heavy powerful voice. he stepped back from me and said - "there is no future, no us. go back now."

I didn't know what to do anymore to make him understand how badly I wanted to be with him. I started crying again, sobbing- ""

Suddenly it felt like an earthquake and the floor under us started dividing into two parts. Ahaan called his mother and looked at me - "we are going back, you go back too dhani." He added - "please."

Jannet held ahaan's hand and they both started stepping into that big crack of the floor, there were stairs. I ran towards them to stop him but I knew they were not going to stop. Ahaan is leaving me. I sobbed hard.

Before the floor closed. ahaan looked up towards me and said with a smile -"and don't forget the mantra, don't forget to be happy."
The floor closed without any sign of a crack.

I knelt, crying hard.

After a while, I wiped my tears and said - "I know how to meet with you again ahaan and I will. "

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